
Santis Sketchbook 2012

Thanks! Haha, sounds great :slight_smile:

Not much time to work lately, but here’s a little update on the last guy :slight_smile:


Not to myself: Have a lowres subdivision level to UV and pose…

Looks great! As for the lower subdiv thing, I have found a way if you work with Dynamesh to make it to subdivisions.No zspheres and retopology. And it’s very quick. I’ll make a tutorial and post it later. If you want, I can inform you when it’s uploaded.

Yes, that would be great :slight_smile:
I have tried to copy the mesh I’m working on, dynamesh it to a lower resolution and then project the details. But the geometry is too crude to hold up for example the fingers.

really fantastic improvement santis buddy, really great creature design, a creepy face but I like it big time!:+1:

good work keep it up

KC-Production: Thanks buddy, glad you like him! :slight_smile:

I-mo:Thank you, i will :wink:

Will hopefully update anytime soon, as I get home, before I go away again… Not so much sculpting summer time, but I guess this is the time of the year to gather inspiration for the rest of the year :slight_smile:

Haven’t been home lately, just got like 2 days to do something, so I used it to do some Dyna-improvisation, from a sphere. Practiced some texturing and animation :slight_smile:


<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/44622419” width=“500” height=“375” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Awsome works, the expressions are very cool.

Hi, Santis! super glad to write you again and see your new sculptures, they look awesome as always, it’s great how you can make cool and expressive characters in just a couple hours, and thank you so much for sharing the skull obj. Cheers! :slight_smile:

Beall: Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

manzarek123: Hey man! :smiley:
Great hearing from you, been watching your thread for new updates, what happened?

So I decided to take the troll model a bit further, and rendered out some passes from Zbrush to Photoshop. Nothing fancy :slight_smile:


Would love to hear what you think :slight_smile:

Looking good, love the skin polypaint!

Thanks buddy, starting to get the hang of that more and more! :slight_smile:

Here’s a little update, I have sculpted a skull “ashtray” in Zbrush. The idea is to give away the print as a birthday present to a friend :slight_smile:
Maybe it’s a bit too small for that purpose(ashtray), but I still think it looks pretty cool :slight_smile:
Printed by Creative tools, with their MakerBot :


He also made a test with small versions to see the difference between 0.27 mm layer thickness and 0.15 mm. The one to the right got .15 mm:


As soon as it gets to my door I will try to refine it using sandpaper and acetone, will post the progress :slight_smile:

And the original model:


Hope you like it!

Yeah, it does look a bit small, but I do think a skull is a very appropriate symbol for an ashtray.

I WANT ONE, if it was a little bigger it would be the coolest ashtray out! Great work!

My poor english only allows me to say: awesome!
I love the demon. Great expressions.
Thanks for the free ztool :+1:

Great-tnx for sharing:+1:

Webhead: Haha, it is for sure!

Bruce Conners: RIGHT?!
If I ever buy A 3D-printer, I will make a larger version. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Sebazone: You are most welcome, really glad you like it :slight_smile:

Etcher: Thanks again Geert! :slight_smile:

Will post more on it next week when I get it and have some time to refine it :slight_smile:

Sweet skull man, would be an awesome ashtray :smiley:

Excellent ash tray Santis…Luv the concept…:D:+1:

Too bad …THEY…Closed down the head shops in my country…Your ash tray would be a big seller for sure…:smiley:
