
Santis Sketchbook 2012

Nice print.

-Storm-: Thanks buddy, means a lot coming from you :slight_smile:

SD: Thanks a lot Glenn! :smiley:
It would be cool to make a mold form and mass produce a bigger version in a better material to sell… but I guess that wont happen…

seanGH: Thanks!

Here’s a little anatomy study I’ve been doing on my free time lately (have been working crazy hours at work… so not much time for sculpting)
Not much to show, but hey, it’s just a sketchbook! :slight_smile:


Built it layer by layer to see if I got every stage right, besides some trouble with an unrealistically large chin, I think I more or less got it :slight_smile:


Crits and comments are most welcome! :slight_smile:

Awesome work bro and you working really hard…keep on it…

looks good, I think you need more volume on the top of the head, he’s looking a bit monkey skulled :stuck_out_tongue: his eyes look a bit small and far apart as well. But good work :slight_smile:

neozerahan: Thanks a lot man! :slight_smile:

Framedworld: Thanks, yes, you are completely right! This tells me that I probably should make a less prominent frontal lobe :slight_smile:

Too small for an ashtray perhaps, but I think I found it’s proper usage :slight_smile:



Haha I just dusted off my Bridgman book the other day. Sweet print and cool facial study - nice breakdown on the nasal cartilage. Great thread :+1:

Thanks a lot!
Yeah, Bridgman is great to learn from :slight_smile:

Okay, so I’m pretty busy at the moment (as usual), but some how i squeezed in a sculpt yesterday. Started as something to do while I was on the phone, and after 10-15 minutes I started to like where it was going, so I gave it another hour :slight_smile:
And since it’s only a speed sculpt I figured I might as well try the new way of recording your sculpt :slight_smile:
So this is actually the first time I have created a time lapse ever.
So I hope you like it! :slight_smile:
It’s a total improvisation from Bryan’s generic bust :slight_smile:


<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/49264578” width=“500” height=“371” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Man, i love his face, how long it took ?

Thanks man :slight_smile:
It took me somewhere between 1 and 2 hours, probably more towards the 2-hour mark.

Santis, amazing sculpt and cool video! what feature did you use to get the camera to move like that?

Thanks, glad you like it! :slight_smile:
I used the new record history feature. In the movie palette you will find the 2 new buttons “F history” and “B history”. They basically just records your undo history. So just go back to your first undo (see step 1), and then render your image the way you want it to be rendered at every frame, make the necessary adjustments to your settings (2), hit F history (3) and go and make some coffee :wink:


Just hold down CTRL if you are unsure of what things does. Hope that helped :slight_smile:

Awesome character, think there’s a rat in there :wink: Thanks for the recording info.

Thanks for info Santis, I appreciate the tutorial. I haven’t seen a ZBrush video like that, and it was great with your character!

John Turner: Thanks! Haha, yeah, there probably is :wink:

michael milano: You are most welcome, hope to see some similar videos from you in the future :wink:

Did a little PS comping of some passes rendered out from Zbrush of my Goblin :slight_smile:


Comments and crits are most appreciated!

It looks great man! I love the expression and the stylized feel.

only critique I can think of is that the eyes may need a little bit more “life” in them. Maybe add a little bit more specularity or use a different matcap/standard material such as the toy plastic? regardless, it looks pretty dam good!

Yes, having looked away from it for a while that is what really stands out to me as well. I actually already use the toy plastic material, and I also wanted to hand paint some reflections, but I could’t make it look right since they are mostly in shadow.
It was a short little project for fun, so I’ll see if I find some time to revisit it.
Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

Hi Santis :slight_smile:

Hey…Nasty looking goblin :D…You are getting pretty good there with depicting subtle emotions,Great job :+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Waiting to see what you will do with the FiberMesh…might be a real nice addition to your arsenal of tools for these sculpts that you do…:slight_smile:

Anyway,…Keep up the great progress…Great to see you posting again…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)


Hi Glenn, thanks for the feedback! :smiley:
Yes, I sometimes play around a little with it, but haven’t figured out a good way to add it to my current workflow yet. But I will someday! :slight_smile: