
Ryan's ZBrush Sketchbook (Maddam's Standard brush - added page 6)

i like it,it kinda reminds me of rodin, especially the hands and the eyes and also the touch of youre brush,more please:D

this is really nice Ryan!
and your last matcap also!
can’t wait to see more…:+1:

Rebeccak - Yeah, that would be cool. I thought alot about drapery as well as about including the siren. At first, I thought I would do a period piece and include revolutionary era clothing. However, I have decided to take a more suggestive route and find a way to include more architectural elements. In the latest composition, the siren is completely gone. So, perhaps, instead of drapery their skin could be gathering around them! :slight_smile:

Thanks boeba and Xavier Henry. :slight_smile:


Ooh, that would be cool!

Another morning sculpt.


Rendered with Ralf Stumpf’s Modeling Clay MatCap. Learn more here.

Here is a recording of the sculpt. Half way through I switch to one of Ralf’s MatCap materials to see what it’s like to sculpt while it looks like Plastic.



wow.really great character Ryan! love the shapes

Alex Oliver

Stuff looks great Ryan, really liked your transposing movies on your blog too.


aah wow. im loving the underwater scene you are working on. cant wait to see that all finished up. excellent work ryan

I realy like the last one sculpt video and character,your sculpting movies always
inspired me.great thread and sculpts Rayan.:smiley: :+1: :+1:

ha! i love the last one - so much character:+1: Looks a bit like Master Shakespeare :wink:

Hey Ryan.
Nice sculpt.
Good rhythmic patterns through out.
Funny, this one took on a few personalities as the sculpt went along.
At first it felt very much like Scrooge.
Then it looked like it had great Jeeves qualities.
Finally now… a mix of the two with a bit of Shakespeare thrown in for good measure.
Lots of fun.
Cesar Dacol Jr.
Aka, The Voodoo Monkey

alexleia - Thanks! :slight_smile:

esotareq - Thanks. glad you like the blog. :slight_smile:

mradamw - cool. this one is still undergoing changes. I have removed the siren at top and still experimenting with some way to depict temptation.

rodion vlasov - cool. It was a different style for me but I’m a pluristic type of guy!

Intervain - Thanks! I was also thinking Spanish Inquisition as I sketched this. I thought it would be cool to put him in a robe as well. :slight_smile:

Cesar - Thank you sir. Yeah, this one started with no real idea. I like to do that as a way to open up the morning. Like free writing, which I did LOTS of as a poet! :slight_smile: Thanks for the kind words. I was thinking of your current sculpt as I did it and some of the things we have been discussing about rythmn.


Ryan, thanks for sharing these videos. Tremedously valuable
to watch others work and have exposure to multiple workflows.
Very cool! :+1:

WELL the blog and every thing RHYAN-related is amazing you are 1 of my favorite 3d artists and when you post some new stuff i am like WWWWWAAW he did it again (offffcource) i love the tutorials and your work inspires me and in a combination with some music from (Clint Mansell)
THE FOUNTAIN the feeling is out of this world …i love the way you play around with the anatomy and the poses of the models …keep it up and make more tutorials on anatomy study -i have problems with the muscles in the legs hope i will se a video on that some day soon >>

I am amazed and impressed by the way that you sculpt with such confidence making only forward progress without backtracking. It is so usefull to see the method of approach. Thanks for sharing


I like all your job, the last one is really fun :smiley:
Thanks for share your sculpt way!

Man, I really like your style. It’s so organic. I can picture all your work in clay. Gorgeous sculptures.

I know it’s a lot to ask, but if you use special alphas for sculpting your figures, could you please show us some examples.

I sculpted with clay for years. I’m just getting comfortable with ZBrush and I sometimes feel like a bull in a china shop when I’m using it. I’m sure it’s just a matter for spending more time with ZBrush, but I’m really curious about the types of alphas an artist like yourself uses.

Thanks again for sharing your work.

Ryan, your work is really inspiring. And thanks for the blog, too - I check it daily!

If it’s not too much trouble, would you upload a larger image of the woman above?

She’s beautiful :slight_smile:

That cleric rules dude!!!

Awesome work…I love this thread.

Oh thanks btw…I now have to go spend 40 bucks on those sweet materials, they look so nice!

Take care man
