
Ryan's ZBrush Sketchbook (Maddam's Standard brush - added page 6)

More work on the Siren idea. This maquette looks more like what a performance troupe would come up with. So far, this is my favored version and the one I will most likely develop further.

Rendered with Ralf Stumpf’s RedChavant MatCap.

Super Glitcher & WoL_ - Thanks for the kind words!

Arran - The secret is actually very simple: don’t show anyone the stuff you struggled during. :smiley:

Rodin - Glad to hear of another traditional artist joining the fold. You’ll get the hang of it soon. Like all things artistic it just has to soak into your brain to become natural. The brushes are pretty standard. Most of my work is done with the Clay brush. You’ll notice at one point I switch to the standard brush and use Alpha 39 to carve details into the model. That works pretty well.

Greg - Thanks man! Glad you like the cleric. Yeah, Ralf’s materials are pretty amazing! They are really sophicated too. If you look at the material maps that he uses for each one its pretty intense! Be well. :slight_smile:

Thanks Pixologic for the top row! That was completely unexpected and pretty cool. :slight_smile:


edited to update maquette image.sirens_v51.jpg



ryan i have been watching ur work since the early days of ZB2 and man this thread is one o the most inspirational threads on this portal.
great cleric sculpt
and this last 3 figure composition is a unique composition.
i havent seen such comp before anywhere. am i right? or u r bringing some of the Old masters’ idea into ZB?
anyhow its cool. and happy zbrushing as u always say :slight_smile:

taemee - the 3 person composition is my own design. :smiley: Thanks for the kind words and for the anatomy videos in your signature! I haven’t seen those before. I can’t believe she isn’t wearing gloves. :o


I love most of your works and i’m tring to learn from you, this is really a great piece, cant wait o see it finished!!!

Can you make an hi/res turnable for download? :smiley: i will love to see all the details!

Thanks for all the educational vids :slight_smile:
I really like the posing of the siren model now , they blend in nicely together and I have to agree on Ralf Stumpf’s materials, they are amazing, well worth the cash (only thing that was holding me back first, was no paypal option ;p)

…Masters Class sculpting! :sunglasses:

really awesome work

HI:) ,

your work is great!

by the way, what happened to the deco brush?
it constantly crashes my 3.1 version in proj mode

at first i thought the lazy mouse would be the
deco in 3d - but i wasnt able to make it work
like deco!


Cleric Modifications. Seeing what I can change and what I can leave the same to create a new type. :slight_smile:


[<!--[attach=88970]Clerics_strip_v3.jpg[/attach]-->]![Clerics_strip_v3.jpg|1200x456](upload://7bsaAwE5W67rdH6tuFMmoSKeAcv.jpeg) caccipergolo - Thanks! Yes, when it is more complete. Right now, it is very much a maquette. :) The Namek - Thanks! Glad you like the posing. Still figuring it all out but I love working with the body in this way. Traditional sculptors are going to be so much better off once ZBrush is main stream. Frenchy Pilou - What? No links or images for me? :) nightwoodwolf - Thanks! Zmith[21] - Thanks! Sorry to hear about the Deco brush. Mine seems to work fine here. I tried it four times and it worked. If it continues, make a post in the Q and A forum. :)

Here’s the previous Cleric dude:


the second one made me think instantly of Cogsworth from Beauty and The Beast :lol:

Hey Ryan. FANTASTIC work on the siren sculpture. I am just loving it, from your conception to execution. I just had to share that :smiley:

A victim of the previous cleric sculpt. Imagine a court room with 3 clerics sitting in judgement on this poor soul.


Here is a video of the sculpting process. Most of the sculpting was done with the Clay brush and a modification of the Standard brush that Damien Canderle made.


Here is a video of the sculpting process for the 2 other clerics:


Intervain - You know, they have been in my mind. I wanted clean maquettes with that style. I love your sculpts by the way! :slight_smile:

metric - thanks. :slight_smile:clericVictim_a_strip.jpg

Your approach to sculpt in ZB is very inspirative. Love to watch your vids. Keep them coming please. Thank you

Ryan - thanks :slight_smile: I have to say I really like your way of using masks and brushes to speed up the workflow… will have to try some of your techniques :+1:

Great characters and style, ryankingslien!

Always instructive watching you work.

Love the latest caricatures, Ryan! Great vids! Learn a little bit more each time you post one.

your work is truly and inspiration to me. i am constantly finding myself looking at your images and watching your movies as reference. the gesture and emotion you put into your figures is wonderful. you truly have entered the realm of ‘fine art’ (haha whatever that really is) with your sculpts. it would be really cool to see a somewhat High res video of you sculpting a human figure, as something we can download. its hard to always see what is going on with the youtube videos beacuse of thier crappy compression and such. so maybe something to think about for future videos!
keep it up!

Care to share with us the modification that Damien made to the standard brush?

You can’t really just drop that on us without letting us in on the settings. Well, I suppose you could, but it would make me sad.

Between Ryan’s wonderful sculpts, the well-directed questions, and the excellent critiques, it feels like an in-depth anatomy class. Thanks to one and all.

Hey I’m with Mike…please share:D :smiley: :smiley: