


thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

wow this is amazing.
im pretty blown away that this doesnt have 5 stars :roll_eyes:

great job !

You can’t copyright a copy of someone elses work. Look at what happened to the guy that made the famous red white and blue illustration of Obama:

Beautiful, the hair and eyebrows are painted on in Photoshop?


it has an interesting painted look to it, especially for the cloth and hair, also the face in places… i’d love to see a more detailed breakdown on how you created this image

awesome work+!!!:sunglasses: five star from me:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Amazing and breath taking ! You really nailed it. Definitely one of my favorite peaces. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Really impressive eyes man! Love it,
Great mix between 2D and 3D… Please share the photo if you have it.
Thanks for the breakdown.

This is wonderful. May i please know your texturing process. How was it done and what K maps you used? Its gorgeous

Hyun, that’s a stunning rendition of a stunning photograph, fantastic work :sunglasses:

great work

Wow this is really great work.:+1:
When I first saw the small picture in toprow I thought it is about a portrait of Jennifer Connelly.

Wow !! Awesome work… :slight_smile: :+1:

As for the face modeling/Map how did you import that into ZBrush. I have so many questions as a matter of fact because I Love that Photorealism artwork and how you portrayed that in ZBrush caught my attention for this particular exciting moment. What email can I get in touch of you with for further questions about how you did your piece…Thank You! Enjoy you day and keep up Stunning Work


not a big fan of this kind of techniques…

It turned out very well. I’m surprised by the imitation of a well know photo, nut given the typical approach out here, such an approach takes on a special form of originality. And it’s not like you can just rob it. You did the hard work.

I commend you. I think you did a sharp job. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Beautiful job.

awesome!!:+1: :+1: like photo


after a long time i am seeing a funtastic output …grtttt:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: