
pointpusher Sketchbook (2 new VID onpage 31)

Thank you so much for these videos. You’ve made not only zbrush timelapses but showed how you work in other software packages as well. Please, don’t stop making them :+1:

you know mu opinion about ur artwork
Love it
Congrats for the top row man , keep up the good sharing and artworks!

Fantastic stuff, thanks.

Thanks a lot for you generous sharing of you workflow and some tools, man! Got some serious knowledge from your vids.

The thing is, i have to questions:

  1. I’m doing all my Zbrush stuff on a laptop, a have some issues when getting to high subdiv levels. Can you advise to sculpt in part like you do do get rid of lags? Or is there some other ways?

  2. I’ve installed you custom UI, and have a trouble with seeing ZBrush, though it loaded. Ive read in readme, how to get rid of this, but i dont have any clue where are the settings to do this located. There’s nothing in Display section too (im using Win7 btw).

Thanks ahead!

So i’ve managed to fix second issue. If someone finds it usefull, i did the following: copied folders from archive to my ZStartup one buy one, and launching ZBrush after each time. The problem was in ConfigFile folder, which i just skipped now and everything seems working.

mucho grassy ass…

i wish some of those maya videos were a bit slower , so that you could see what tools you were useing …!!

great stuff though

Really nice work! I really enjoyed watching some of your videos yesterday! Your real-time set up videos were a real treat for me to look at!

Thanks for taking the time to share with everyone!

Peace - NickZ. :slight_smile:

Leader of the crunch :).

Awesome/inspiring stuff mate.

As always can’t wait for more. :slight_smile:


Great work!Thanks for sharing.

nice! thanks for sharing …i would like to see more :slight_smile:

Congratulations POINTPUSHER for a TOP ROW :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great work, absolutely amazing :+1:
Also very good knowledge of 3d production tools :wink:

Any one knows how to convert the UI that pointpusher created on windows to an osx compatible one? thx

I LOVE the sculptor/armature piece.
Man, that should be bronzed.
not only is it beautiful but SOOOOOO true…at least on the toy and statue side of the digital sculpting biz

This is all fantastic work and the videos are great

Legen … wait for it … dary ! :+1: :+1:

Great sculpts 'n vids, thanks for sharing :sunglasses: :+1: !

wow really awesome stuff you have here!!! … I have a question. I just saw that you showed/rendered xour model in Marmoset Toolbag which is only awailable as PC version at the moment, but your cursor looked like an Mac cursor!? … are you running MT in Crossover or something like this or is it just a windows theme?

UPDATE: Just figured out, that Marmoset Toolbag is running just perfect with Crossover Mac!!! It feels way smoother than with Parallels!

lovley works Danny,congrats for top row:)

awesome work, it’s always great seeing some insight into how other people are doing things. I especially like how you quickly block in major shapes and then use the cut tool to draw in lines like you’re doing a 2D sketch, only to use those lines as helpers for laying in volume and whatnot.

keep it up, i’ll be watching this thread for sure!


Thanks for the Vids…Allows one to step back and kinda simplify the process.
So many tools in this program; easy to not see the forest for the trees:)
I’m not surprised by the reaction for MORE.:bulb:

Ya got me Inspired to look at Topogun again…I just Bucked up and learned the retopo tools in Z brush…that was pain, but worth it.
However; if topogun is faster, it’s worth the investment. I get bogged down in process sometimes and loose zeal…if i can keep on sculpting…I’m good.
used to be that way for me with super sculpey.


…Thanks again:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

this might sound stupid but I have a question. In all your videos you start from a shere that is not in the tool pallete. Is there a trik that Im missing here? waiting to see more videos from you…thanx :smiley: :smiley:

Wow! Thanks for all the kind comments every one. I’ll try to upload some new videos this weekend for the latest character for sure. I’m totally honored by the top row, and thank you all for checking out the thread thus far.

@ nassosa: In 4.0, in the light box, there is a polysphere Zbrush project. I just saved the sphere from that project as a Ztool.

@ tyrellcorp: Yeah, I sped them up a lot, but if there’s anything in there you see and want to ask about, inbox me, or leave a comment in the thread and I’ll try my best to tell you what I did.

@SpaceDragon: As I understand it, having separate subtools should speed things up a bit while working in ZB. I believe each subtool is allowed to be almost as many polys as your machine can handle. BUT, I still advise trying to establish as much of the shape at lower levels as possible. Maybe then you eont need the super high division levels as often? One other thing to consider is if you’re using base meshes, trying to keep them as optimized as possible while retaining the base shape. Few polys at the low res = few faces to subdivide in the high.

@Roger Eberhart: Admittatly, I’m not that great of a texture artist, so take what say with a grain of salt. Yeah, for crazy bump that’s pretty much what I did in this case. Really, adjusting the settings of the different maps in crazy bump can give you some nice texture overlays.

I believe the AO bake was from Xnormal. Usually I like Xnormal for AO bakes (super silky looking).

@SadamHu Thanks for the advice! I will try this in the future for sure!