
Pixologic Release: Decimation Master MOVIE added P.12 & Plugin Update on P.15

Brilliant , models load and render so fast in cinema4d now. Thanks a bunch.

Awesome. Looking forward to the mac version.

Holy! This is crazy cool! :)… great release guys! big thumbs up!

wooow awesomeeeee

Thanks Pixologic Team!

…hit! :+1:

Can’t wait to use it, great job!

OOH!!! This is gonna be really helpful :smiley:




…real! :cool:

great plugin,it make our lives a lot easier:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:roll_eyes:

Amazing plugin!
I’m really impressed!!!

Yes or maybe will be a Mac plugin like this in the future ? :stuck_out_tongue:

The information is provided just below the download link on the first post of this thread: “The Mac version will be released within 30 days.”
Same answer for 3D Print Exporter :slight_smile:

This looks fantastic !

But how does this work for exporting low poly models for 3d printing ?

Surely a 3d printer can only print actual geometry, or are there printers now that print from bump or displacement maps ?

Please can you post more info.

have you tried it out? , it converts your model into an optimized mesh of triangles. It is actual geometry.

Thanks Pixologic! I can’t wait to put this to use.

No I haven’t tried this plug in out.

But I remember having a model printed a couple of years ago when the tech guy optimized my high poly quad model without telling me.
I couldn’t work out why the print had lots of faceted irregular shaped triangles and rounded edges and corners where there had used to be detail !

Awesome! I was using third party solutions before, so this is going to be very handy.
Thanks Pixologic!

Great! Works like a charm and is a good copy protection/edit proofing as well. Once reduced, nobody can edit that result without converting it into a heap of garbage. Excellent! Thanks so much!