
Pixologic Announcement - The Roadmap to ZBrush 2.5

What a beautiful end of Year 2005 it will be! Good job guys!!! :wink:

YAYAYAYAY!!! Christmas for 3 months!!! thanks for letting us have them early! am trying to wait patiently! Truly I am…

Thanks again,

ABXY please email to support@pixiologic.com your request!! It is a good suggestion for pix to take a loook at it. As a programmer I think normal map should be based on the scale of angle that should apply to it.

From my exprience with hi-poly that exports info to displacement map function. I am not sure if it is same with normal map because since they said the core of ZBrush uses internal normal map for fast preview. They should take a look at it to make sure that the preview core is all together with normal map. Pix uses Pixol technology with normal map built-in and I am not sure if your concern is valid but submit it anyways.

I am most definite Zbruh Team is actually dreaming to produce some revulutionary improvements into the program.
No matter the best advancements, there is natural course of events, when other competing software inventors also plan similar upgrade.
There is no stopping it.
So, dear compoisers, do make a final variant and rest assured, that it is gonna be cool.
But all the same, you should know, that later, and at the same time much sooner than anyone can guess, your child may and wil have to grow.
Thus, don’t you hesitate.
Time to go into labour!



Can’t wait to get the goods! This app just keeps getting better and better!

I do have one question… will 2.5 be released for mac and pc at the same time? I hope so…


I don’t think the new version of Zbrush will actually handle polys any faster than 2.0. I think it’s just an increase in how many polys the program can work with. But it’s real time so I’m still satisfied. With all the features and the perspective correction of the MAC version, I’m loving this release. I saw the smooth shading (literal smooth shading, not the display preference type already there) mode in the Zmapper, so that is something else to yell about. Hoping the displacement exporter can work well in Poser and Blender seeing as though they’re what I use for rendering. Anyway, it’s a great feeling to kow exactly when something’s coming. Keep up the good work.

‘We are adding even more features and enhancements to this release that have not been previously disclosed.’

What??? More Fea…sighhhhhh FAINT…


Who Needs VIAGRA!!! Zbrush! Zbrush! Zbrush! Or nothing!

I will be very happy using this for an upcoming feature… Oh yes! Ohhhh yes!!! :wink:

Fixed! Great stuff. makes it even more exciting with the pictures.


This is CG REVOLUTION, all CG SMILES are staying united…

 ... in expectation of ZB2.5</span>
       Wonderful work !

I think this ZB 2.5 thing could catch on…:confused:

Hi all,
thx for the great news.:+1:
I would ask some thingh out of the chorus:
i’m very anxious about your rig method, but in the same time i’ll be happy if you have made some implementations about the render system.
Not Maya system, but shadow cast in a good way with no artifacts, and a little bit of raytracing…
Thx and good work

the simple thing that zbrush really needs is some basic component selection and manipulation tools…i.e: select and scale,move,or rotate edge(s),vertice(s), or face(s). Alot of times i want to move a single edge or vertex and cant get quite the precision that i would like or get from say an app like modo or maya. Its what makes it kinda hard to model anything but organic shapes inside of zbrush. just a suggestion.

First, I want to thank all the hard work that the Pixologic team is putting into this update!!!:smiley: This question has probably been asked before, but will I be able to take advantage of the 20 million polygon ceiling with my 2ghz 1.5gigRam machine, or will I need to upgrade?
Keep pushin’ those pixols and tappin’ to the code!

I cannot believe the added functionality for no cost to registered users. Thank you very much. ZBrush has been THE most rewarding experience I’ve had with graphics software. Keep up the good work and thanks again.


Tried to give a rating again… but…

:roll_eyes: - marvelous news…ZBrush already has so many features, and now this. Will it never end? We hope. Thank you Pixologic.

I have the same question. Man I so hated waiting an extra year last time. :o

hmmm i have seen many suggestions about shadow casting. I think yeah it would be cool to have that in a zb render. I think given the way zb works, the speed of the renderer, i wouldn’t want to give that up…so an alternative perhaps would be cool…

a plugin that would allow a shadow cast only render that you could use in ps or similar to compile but also use as a mask when rendering to that compiling in ps or similar would be a snap.