
Old man dozing (sketch)

I’m blown away…amazing skills

nice update !

yup this one is much better!

great model for sure :+1:

It 's art sculpt. I realy love last model very much. :slight_smile: :+1: :+1:

awesome SKILLZZ!!
and thanks for the zscript
was very enlightening and inspiring at the same time

Excellent work. :+1:

awesome job David!


Amazing work, just beautiful… :smiley:
I love the hair…
Thanks for the videos…

Great model!

We are waiting for normal mapping tutorial. :smiley:

Excellent sculpting!
Where abouts can I find this material? Id like to watch the zscrpit but I get an error about the missing material… :confused:

Oh yeah the material! it’s orange clay from ralph stumpf! it should work then!

For the tutorial I’ll try this week-end :wink:

and thanks again for the comments guys!

Hmm is there a website or some place I can go to get his material? Ive searched a number of places and Im ended back here. I really want to see this zscript because the modeling so detailed and precise, but I cant yet haha.

I’ve been looking for the original thread from Ralpf but I can’t find it so I’m just going to post it here!Orangeclay.zip (156 KB)

Lil’sister i saw ur tutriol and tried to make copy of ur model,i am inspired from ur model and ur hair tutriols really help me to complete this thanx for this grate help u really rock this party :slight_smile:


ืGreat sculpt MSMBrush. and thank you very much Lil’sister for your zscript/tutorial.
I learn many from that. Thank again. :sunglasses: :+1: :+1:

great !
im really surprised when i found th you just used the Normal Map !
i just cant wait for your video about getting maps and render techniques !
thanx alot for sharing your techniques !

crazy speed and great talent ! thanks for share !

Thanks guys! for the tutorial it’s going to be quite simple but it is a very simple technique!

MSMBrush: I was really surprised when I saw the thumbnail! LOL it’s very good man a bit to symetrical for my taste and the neck is not right at all but other than that it’s cool :wink:

Is there another way to view this script? A video perhaps? Hah, I thought it was the orange clay I was missing but it cant find MatCapGray. Im really excited to watch it because of the modeling but cant :cry: .