
News sculpt added - Page 4:formerly "First Z3 sculpt doodle"

Inspired by Plakkie’s new rigging thread I decided to give it a shot.

I still have a bit more work to do on the rig but I figured I’d share what I’ve discovered so far. I was really hoping that a rig would affect a tool AND it’s subtools. Alas it did not.

It’s a little weird getting started. At least it was for. The rig id drawn “in front of” the mesh making it a little difficult to guage your actually sphere placement. After I got the spine started I felt a bit more confortable.

Once I got going I ran into a weird thing. Whenever I placed new zspheres they shot off in the direction of screen Z.

The bind process is fast and pretty painless. It’s cool that you can scale you zspheres to roughly match the mesh’s volumne [not 100% sure if it changes anything).

I did a quick, simple pose test

I will keep you posted with new discoveries.





That symmetry issue is killer. :frowning:

True dat! I hope Pixologic adds functionality so you can run Symmetry and Resym on rigs.

Who knows. It may be in there somewhere now.

I’m still trying to figure out how to return to a base pose from a Transposed mesh.

Hey guys, I still haven’t gotten through all of the pages in the rigging info in the Topology threadbut what I have read has been quite helpful. Big ups especially to Plakkie and Rastaman!

One thin I did not see in the pages I have checked was a work around for posing a tool and it’s subTools. I have found what I think is a decent alternative. You can pose a Tool with Insert Mesh geometry.

It’s not a perfect solution but I think don’t think it’s a bad starting point.

Here are some screen grabs of an insert mesh combo I made.




I love this femail character, put some facial expresion on here now.

Man I love the style :smiley:

i love the way u pose it good job

Thanks SeanG! Yeah, I definitely need to do that face thing. I’m still having a bit of trouble with head rigs in ZB3 but I haven’t spent much time on it yet. I’ll probably just transpose something for this. Then I’ll go over the rest of Rastaman’s tutorials.

Thank you very much MSMBrush. I have to agree with Rastaman about this being the easiest rigging and binding process I have used. It’s amazing how much the lack of a rotation coordinate system frees you.

Oops. I forgot to post the movie link in this thread.


I went looking for the rake brush in the Rapid Start UI and didn’t find it. So I decided to try sculpting with the fatten brush. I was inspired by Ambient-whisper’s awesome Colossus video.

Here’s what I came up with.


I hope you like them.



Really nice concept man. If I were you I would make a body for him as well.

Thanks Vlad74. That’s a cool idea.

I was trying to do an all in one, zSphere to finished, rendered model. Things were going well until I started doing edge loops.

![edgeLoopProblem.jpg|1024x494](upload://wjy1DA8nxsF89GPjBd7oXAGvirD.jpeg) [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFatjcP9y5I](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFatjcP9y5I)

if the mesh you are adding edgeloops to is not yet a PM3D polymesh (still having a ZSphere base) then you are’nt supposed to add extra geometry. I think your supossed to do all of that with the ZSpheres

Poda- Not sure about ZB3 yet, but in ZB2, after you do your set up with zspheres have what you want basically. Then before any sculpting or adding anything I usually store my morph target. After that I could sculpt and add edge loops no problem. Again not sure about ZB3 haven’t tried it yet, no clue what differences or bugs that it may have with edge loops. Could give it a shot, doesn’t hurt to try it I suppose.

Thanks Sadicus - I was sculpting on a Skin with sub divisions made from a retopo rig, not the rig itself.

Thanks AngelJ - I will make a new skin and give that a try.

Poda- Ahh you had made a adaptive skin. One thing I like doing is in adaptive skin menu, lets say you want to work in subdivisions of 6, I turn up the density slider to 6 in adaptive skin menu and don’t touch it again. Then I store my morph target. Then I go into geometry menu and lower the subdivisions to 1 and begin sculpting the mesh up and down in the subdivisions while its in preview mode. As long as the morph target isnt touched after you stored it, you’ll be able to come back with the zsphere model go into adaptative skin preview and continue to sculpt any time then feel free to skin after you completed the sculpt. Just thought I’d add that, maybe you’ll try it and like it. There are advantages that I like doing it that way. Like being able to move the zsphere rig and have the details stay fairly in tact once you get used to it. Also can scale a sphere to add mass to areas even if you have it sculpted at a hi res details to a good degree.

Hey AngelJ - Thanks for taking the time to describe that. It sounds very cool and a tiny bit scary. You can’t tell in the movie but I accidentally stumbled onto that. I did a preview for the adaptive skin and started editing the symmetry forgetting that it was a preview. Eventually I hit the a key and killed the preview. When I went back my changes were gone. So maybe that’s not exactly what you’re describing but I get the idea. I will definitely give it a try. Thanks again.

Poda- Anytime, I’ll be popping back in to check out your updates so if you try it and have a question don’t hesitate to ask or feel free to send a private message as well. Got some nice things going on, keep up the good work! :+1: :+1:

Thank you AngelJ. I appreciate that.

Hey everyone,

I am still having Edge Loop problems. This time with a model I imported. I brought in a high res obj file created from a sculpt I did in Mudbox. No problems there. I used Reconstruct Subdiv a few times to “get back” to my low res base mesh. I hid all but a fiew polygons (see picture below) and hit Edge Loop. I got the now familiar (to me at least) scrambled mesh.

Just for giggles, I decided to try making a new PolyMesh 3D from my original hi res model. For some reason I could not Reconstruct Subdiv on that one.

What am I doing wrong?

Here’s the video