
New WIP (nudity)

I think I am finished with the polypaint and ready to make some maps.




Nice Suit. :smiley: :+1:

Nice Character Creation! :smiley: :+1: I want to see his face. may be scary. like this :evil:or :angry: . Awesome Concept sketches and website.

Here are the maps and some harware renders from Maya. I baked the matcaps into the all the textures except for the body, but he is not as shiny as he is in the ZBrush renders. I think it is the spec map:qu: The UVS follow the template for UV’s in Unreal. I made the spec maps with crazy bump and at this point I am thinking that I should make them again. Right now, the base is 5416 tris. I think this is the lowest polygon humanoid I have ever made!




Well, I put the character into UT3 today. This is my second try at the custom character mod and I finally got it right! woohoo! Pretty happy overall, but I was not able to use the matcap capture in the textures to the fullest extent because of some UV/roadkill issues. Overall, not too shabby.


Not bad graphics, i see it.
In the game it looks quite nice.

I agree for ya second one its pretty dam good.Well done…Will be fun watching you improve with each character…great job matey

THanks rouncer and Deltathund3r. I appreciate your feedback.
I am trying to get better with every character.:slight_smile:

I did a pose today and added the base and Tonfas.


Great Work Matt. I see you’ve been working on your craft a bit more. Nice poly flow and textural feel. That dude look bad a$$!

I think the bottom of the feel don’t feel grounded / flat on the heel and there seems not to be enough room for the toes of such a huge dude in those boots. Other wise He looks very cool.

I like the Unreal shots. They are very dramatic.

Keep it up!

Did you make a base mesh then re-topo?

Thanks for the feedback Elliott. I modeled the mesh in Max.:+1:

Here is an Illustration I made of this character. Had some fun with this one.
Thanks for looking!


Nice job dude…

Looks spectacular as an illustration! Great work.

Thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate it.

I decided to make a morefinished image of the Worker.

Some really cool works ,love the ut3 model!regards cal:+1:

THanks Cal! Your stuff is pretty nice too.

I have been competing in the 2009 Comicon challenge. I chose to do Wolverine in the Civil War(US). I have been trying to get a facial expression of hostile determination. Here is where I am with it.





Here is some more stuff!





Great pieces Matt, love the way Wolvie turned out and good of you to post your assett… will be embarking on the max-zbrush-max path myself just as soon as I finish learning zbrush

Look forward to seeing more :slight_smile: