
Nassos's Sketchbook

So the last sculpt was damaged when a sudden loss of power crashed my pc. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I lost the file and all the progress, and to be frank I’m kind of bored to start all over again.

My favourite comic book artist is Jim lee. He is like a god to me. I have followed almost all his work since he was in the Uncanny X men.
Whenever I did a sketch of my characters I would always have a comic book from Jim lee for inspiration.
So I’m going to try and make batman (yes another one) but I will do my best to make him look like a drawing from Jim lee. To say this is blaspheme to me, but you get the picture…

So here are some images with the progress so far. I will post the original pose from jim lee, as soon as have decided which one I like the best.
The legs are not finished. I’ll pose him later and adjust details, add the cape, mask and gear. I would really like your help in this one. Any c&c’s are welcome.








no comments? :cry: :cry:

an update for the pose. it’s not final of course but it’s close I guess.

see ya. must sleep, need rest…






I’m liking the pose of the last post… looking forward to seen it finalize. :smiley:

another update. Added the boots and moved the cape in better-closer to final- position. Added the ears and minor details around the eyes. I have lots of things to do still, lots of retopo and sculpting again. Later I will add a detail from a roof and a gargoyle for his leg to step on (hopefully). Anyway I’ll keep posting, to be honest I was hoping to get more comments to improve the sculpt. I’m new at this and comments for me are really helpful. Anyway see ya later! :smiley: :smiley:





another test. just for fun, not the final.


Batman is one of my favorite characters and i never get tired of seeing people re-create or create their own versions. keep it up!
In the newer images it looks like his head got squished vertically, in the tpose images it looked taller. The squished head is starting to look more Frank Millar than Jim Lee.
You have some good forms and mass on the body though.

Lot of progress Nasso !
On the last renders (batman) watch out for cast shadows. Try a warmer black tone for BPR shadows-AO, R=5 G=3 B=0 and more blurred. Works better with matcaps.

Hi, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I appreciate when somebody points out or critiques my work for improvement. On your batman model there are some areas that you should probably revisit. Check his calf muscle (gastrocnemius). Look where the muscle originates, and you’ll see that it’s missing an origin point, which is between the bicep femoris and the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles. Also check his soleus muscle (the one that sits on the bottom of the calf muscle) and you’ll see it has no definition. Make sure his quads (vastus lateralis and medialis) have the right shape, but don’t forget the rectus femoris. Usually people concentrate a lot on the upper body and tend to forget that there is a lot to know about the lower body. Your upper body overall looks ok. Your oblique muscles could need some attention, but I believe the one that needs a big change is your deltoid muscle. Study it and make sure it originates properly from the clavicle and bridge of the scapulae. Take in count the acromion process, which will help you define the main head of the deltoid and not the three heads you have right now. Well I hope this helps you. Don’t be discouraged and keep up the good work. Good luck.

Batman is easily my favorite superhero. I think you’re doing fantastic work here. Keep it up.

Nice comment’s thnx! :smiley:

Mixali thnx for the tip I did some test and you where right about the AO.

robertrageson thnx for the nice comments and the head is in the exact same place in every shot I haven’t done anything to change it. But you’re right it’s something I want to change

aurfax: That’s what I call a critic. Thnx man, I will really try and fix everything you pointed out, but I think that in this stage it might be difficult for me. Like I said new at this. And another thing is, that there are some things, that I just cant do. I mean I look at other people’s anatomy and detail and amount of emotion in their sculpts, that mine don’t have and I’m really jealous. And no I will not be discouraged! :+1: :+1:

FatherChristmas: Thnx man his one of my favourite character’s as well and wolverine.

small update, added details like batrang and cable, belt, and minor detail around the hood. I also tried to fix the muscles like you guys pointed out. anyway i fooled around with photoshop for a better mood. :wink:





Itso coming up good!
But still you have to work on the anatomy. In that pose the knee muscles are wrong. Give it some more attention to this details and it will come really good work!
Keep it up!

Nice going … :+1:

Good start but its over all too soft. Everything needs some sort of surface texture. The rock where he’s leaning on needs a lot of work, it looks like a marshmallow right now.

Hi again. I kind of was bored at looking at batman all the time so I started something of my own. I thought of giving a try on a cartoon character. So this is his naked figure so far. I think he is a mad scientist and he is going to rule the galaxy one day. Of course I have to finish him first. Cheers!





Hello friend !!!

I am really impressed with the amazingly beautiful masterpiece created by you. I am sure that you will reach the heights one day.

All the very best for your bright future.

God Bless you !


Pankaj Malik

Business Development | CG Innovation

pankaj.zb: thank your very much for your very kind words!

another small update, minor details around the face, polypainted eyes for a better mood and added the costume. I really like him so far. Hopefully in 2 days I’ll finish him. Got to run now see ya! :+1:






The face is great, I like the material too. Arms need some more sculpture. :+1:

another update added facial hair changed the eyes a bit added a metal helmet which protects his brain. The concept is that his brain is getting bigger so he had to crack open his scull to let his brain grow freely and that’s why he made this device on his head to protect it. I will add boots and try to pose him.I would really like to pose him in more than one poses. We’ll see… tell me what you guys think.






Even crazy super smart people forget. So I guess this is experiment No 2343254262 and he has forgot what to do with the lab rat.
The lab rat is not finished of course just placed it in his hands to see if tit works.I haven’t finished some extra details around his brain. I would love to try the hair material for the rat and see if something good comes out of it. So hope you guys like it.




