
My works in progress (Sculpting Adventures)

The skull is awsome!

i used one of the stock alphas, the multi-sized dots one, and i set the brush to spray, and turned the brush strength down to like 7 or so. nothing too special

thanks elliott

I’d say this sculpt is vastly improved anatomically. The ribcage looks a bit too wide, and the pelis looks like you’re setting him up for lady bits, but otherwise I’m finding it hard to find fault.

yeah i know what you mean about the pelvis. i didnt really want to sculpt his man parts, but it does look as though he has a uterus under there haha.

Even if you don’t want these to be incredibly “buff” busts, a little more muscle definition (especially around the shoulders and arms) wouldn’t hurt. It will help solidify the form a little bit, and add to the overall gesture of the piece. Also, I’d strongly recommend checking out Scott Eaton’s feature here. Nice starts though =] Let’s see some more!

Dont kill me if you alrelady answered this sorry =p but i cant find it, I was wondering if you could share or where i can get the shader you used on the last image? it looks fabulous,not only that the lights wow!

I like the way you detail your works, but your main forms sometimes suck ;/ Like the alien thing, you schould focus more on the area around the eyes and mouth, also more muscle definition would be cool ;]

the skin shader was one of the shaders in the MatCap Repository.
i honestly dont remember which one though. :confused:

i know what you mean, i just now have started to look at anatomy references when i work, and muscle definition is my main focus at the moment.

thanks for the comment all, and i will take them into consideration on my next studies

hey guys! here is an update on the anatomy. sorry for the delay, i was on spring break and needed a vacation from work :stuck_out_tongue:

comments welcome as always. i think i am aabout done with the anatomy. i am going to put in some fine skin detail next, and then work on a shader, all to be composited with a displacement map into a SSS skin shader and rendered in mental ray.

thanks! :+1:






Why don’t I contnue my history of controversy and give you some critiques on this one? First of all, I feel the need to preface this by saying this is a very good sculpt, with that being said, there are a few issues I see.

The most obvious is the bottom of the pectorals. They don’t flow into the torso. The sharp division also makes it look like he has pec implants. Secondly, it seems as though the first abdominal muscle(s) are too large. Finally, while I get the feeling that you’re still working on the legs and arms, I’d say the rectus femoris looks far too narrow and sharply defined.

Hope some of this helps.

the chest looks like boobs from the side instead of muscles

Matt this is coming along. I too think the larger forms need to be blocked out first. The chest is a bit large/saggy compared to the rest of the body. Maybe use the pinch/smooth tool or something to tighten the Pectoralis major. It would be fine if the Rectus abdominis wasn’t so ripped. The clavicle area is a little strong. Over all I like this and am interested in seeing it worked to completion.

yeah i agree the pecs are way too big. i didnt really notice when i posted, i was wicked tired haha. ill address that problem today. ill try to tighten the chest up a little, and yeah they clavicle looks a little hard.


another update.

more defintion on the chest. reworked some of the ab’s. shifted stuff around a bit.


Theres so much anatomical mistakes that its a lot faster to say taht you need to redo the whoel thing ;] There was just featured a great work in top row, try recreating only the main forms, dont go into details, stay at a 100k polys until it looks perfect, then try doing any details, you will lear a lot faster taht way than trying to fix mistakes that you made ;]

while i appreciate your opinion, that was a totally useless post. i have worked hours on this model, and simpily telling me i need to redo the whole this isnt conctrutive at all

just to try and give you some useful advice.

first of all the basic shape is ok
and most of the major shapes are there
however the rectus abdominus (top part of a 6 pack) spreads to far to the side of the chest and is covering where your external oblique’s should be.
some of the other abdomanal muscles are slightly the wrong shape.
the back is looking ok but does need some improvement i’d suggest looking at some anatomy books for referance.
if i get time ill try to help in more detail but ive got to go now
good luck

thanks alot! i have been looking at my book, and the awesome torso scuplt in the top row (i looked at that thing alll night haha)
i agree it is a little too wide, i am about to go back at it again, so ill post more later tonight. thanks

Dont worry, my man chest area always look like they have man boobs too, its very hard to smooth those areas. but just keep looking at naked pictures and alot of porn and youll eventually remember what they look like. Even then it still hard.

not quite what i’d suggest but what ever helps:p

hope you dont mind me drawing on your picture but its easier to point out what needs work this way.

sorry its not perfect (dont try to copy the shape’s i’ve drawn it will probably make your model worse) but hopefully it will help you focus on the problem areas.

good luck i look forward to seeing your improvements