
Ms01 (I-P-A)

Looks fantastic! Big hard surface fan, can’t wait to see the rest of em.

It’s coming out really well!

Looking fantastic


This is looking great, I really like the render. Was than done with Maya toon shader?

OMG! DROOLZ! That is awesome! Nice work man! Someday I will master Hard surface like this. It’s a dream of mine. :cool:

Nice HardSurfs!
Really like the rendering style, that’s quite awesome! Could you tell us more about your rendering and lighting setup?

hi thx
the work is made under Zbrush 3ds, rendering in Vray
Here are some changes, its not advance very quickly, problem of time with other projects, so there I rework the lighting of the scene and materials
CA01 (48).jpg

i like the look and feel of render . it gives a mysterious feel to it !!
looks much better then previous :+1:
keep it up

love how it come up! im following^^

:+1: do you made all of this in Brush?

Really cool, very elegant.

These are inspiring. They are so well-thought-out and crisp. Your latest ones are great – how the form turns a bit. I am curious, what are you doing with these once you make them? They would make for a great set of posters.

excellent work…!! nice colour pallet too.

Awesomee… Jus Freaking Awesomee!! :lol:

Awesome work! Love seeing the progression of your rendering and texturing as well.

Looking forward to undertaking my first mech suit when my ZBrush knowledge advances.

, Hehehe my work has begin reduced (nothing to do with 3D), so the 3D ohhh dear come over here I miss you so much: love :small_orange_diamond: D
thank you guys;)
So, I return to this project and I continued with the rest of the body, emmm! the whole is a bit messy, but there are too many errors after finished with the idea I finish with them, if there is anything to add feel free to let me know
CA011 Low 02.jpgCA011 Low 01.jpg

the last “gold” image is very nice!

hi all so a small Up

CA011 Low 06.jpg

Looking good man, I like this a lot. You’re putting in good time.

That is some fantastic work there! And beautiful topology!