
Morten's ChikiBoom-book

Just got home from Italy today… so feel like I need to do stuff again. I think I’ll mess around with some doodles tomorrow.
But for now, here are some clay renders of my finished character and some grabs from 3ds max.


Enjoy :slight_smile:





Guess I’m still adjusting… My mind is still on vacation :p…
Here’s a little doodle from today, some sort of… Hairless ape :stuck_out_tongue:


Enjoy :slight_smile:

very cool stuff! you have some very interesting characters here…!!
keep them coming:+1:

Appreciate it dude!
Will do :wink:

A french guy walks into a fancy dress party…
Well… This was really supposed to be a quick doodle… buuuut… Life doesn’t always turn out like we want it to… So I’ve been toying a little with this over the past few days.
here’s a little test render, I’ll post some more images later, when I’ve slept :p…

But ehm… some french dude in an “alien” sort of costume I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


Enjoy :slight_smile:

Here are the rest. Think I’ll move on to better thins now.
Have a few things I want to finish before school starts :p…


Enjoy :slight_smile:



Hey, looking good. Lots of character in him :slight_smile:

Hey Henning, thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Well here’s what i’ve been toying with these past couple of days.
It’s been a while since I did the Scott Eaton course (highly recommendable) and at the time I really wanted to do a 3d sculpture.

So I decided to do one of my favorites from The Louvre; Le soldat de Marathon annonçant la victoire.
Really a beautiful piece.

Just roughed in the big shapes and major landmarks. I’ll start detailing tomorrow, hands feet smaller muscle groups etc. Will see if I can’t finish this one before school starts :slight_smile:

This is the progress so far:




hey morten, looks good!
I don’t have much to crit on at the moment but maybe the clavicular section of his right pec could be defined a bit better as it goes from the top of the clavicle to underneath the deltoid.
And a bit more definition of the scapula and trapezius would be nice :slight_smile:

other than that, looking forward to the end results! :+1:

Thanks Marcus!
You’re right, it’s a little too flat.
I’ll get that in there later today, or tomorrow :p…

It been a while…
New design on ZBC, new release of ZB, lots of cool thing happening!

School’s been heavy so haven’t had much time to play around with the new features or do much beside school :p…
Anyway, here’s an update on my marathon sculpt and a little test with DynaMesh.



Enjoy :slight_smile:

Nice Job!

Thanks man :)!

cool man, marathon sculpt is coming along nicely,loving the subtle details…
looking forward to your next update…Gud luck:+1:

Had a little more time to work on the soldier…
Well… he’s nearing completion, thought I’d post a little update on what’s happened so far.


Mostly for my own amusement I recorded a video sculpting a section of the hair…

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/30963004?portrait=0&color=ff9933” width=“400” height=“250” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Enjoy :slight_smile:

A classmate and I have started doing lunch doodles everyday… A nice break from rigging at the moment… :p…
I’ll try to post as much as possible, if I think it’s not all too bad.

Well from this week there are 2 sculpts.
Themes were happy hippo and king of carrots, not really sure if I really nailed it… But it’s interesting to see what can be done in an hour :p…



Enjoy :slight_smile:

Nice doodles…that hippo looks funny :D!

Keep it up.

Thanks a lot :wink:
More to come :slight_smile:

Well… this week is interesting, pokemon :p…
Today I have a version of Geodude


<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/31791365?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ff9933” width=“425” height=“266” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Enjoy :slight_smile: