
Moooo. A noob's 'sketchbook'

finally decided to stop being lazy and play with the pose on this thing. I started out
thinking that this thing lived in my basement but he kind of grew in my
mind. lol Still have a lot of stuff to figure out. Gotta check that
shockblade thread for some inspiration/direction.
ps - if anyone could throw a noob a bone - I’m looking for a good bare bones tutorial on rendering. Assuming I know absolutely nothing about it. Starting from ground zero???

I know you’re just making light of the situation with your comments, but if you take a real good look at the difference between your latest sculpt and the original cow mesh, it really shows how much can be accomplished if you just try. It’s why I love Zbrush so much, it has a lot of buttons that can get you lost, but it really brings out the artist in you when you just buckle down and start sculpting.

You have some great work both traditionally and digitally, keep at it man :slight_smile:

Thanks. just trying to keep a sense of humor about it. There were times this stuff brought me to my knees. And I realize it’s not an issue with the program but just the way the right side of my brain has been conditioned. I am very eager to continue learning though.


You asked for some help in your above post, for learning rendering…The link above might be useful to you in your render explorations…don’t know, but I;ll post it here, just in case it may be of some help to you…:slight_smile:

Great job on this creature that you’ve been working on…I like the praying Mantis like spikes that you added to the arms…gives it a mush better feeling…goes good with those long arms…:+1: Also like the human figure in there…creates a nice scale for this creature…Great job on the action pose also…:):+1:

I guess I’m calling this done. I still want to add a bit more detail to the areas where the spines insert in to the plates on his back but I feel like I accomplished what I wanted to with this piece. I might try to get it printed one day. On to the next project. Thanks for taking a look.

Really nice! The poor guy met such ferocious monster!

This creature is looking really good,I like the sketchy feel of it but it’s tight and detailed at the same time.

here’s some other junk I was messing with. I kind of liked where this one started to go. I might finish it… one day
ZBrush Document.jpg

Great designs - Totally love your style:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:#
Looking forward seeing more from you.
Best regards,

Long way to go on this and I’m still learning soooo slowly. Thanks to everyone that stopped in to look and give advice.
Asterius - Demon of Crete

I really like your current project a lot, both because it’s looking great and it is a really neat juxtaposition and benchmark with your first piece! I look forward to seeing you progress it!

I guess that sculpt on my first page got mad cow disease. :rolleyes: I’ve been playing around with this thing for a bit. I think I’m happy with the pose so now I’ve gotta re-establish all my anatomy.


Looking great Ehren! I’ve been doing a lot of zbrush lately, I’ll have to start posting here to get some feedback and ask some questions. When you pose something like this, are you using Transpose Master? Take care, man.


Sam- thanks dude. Indeed I am using transpose master. If you have any questions about it, I’ll do my best to answer.

good start man , keep going.

Dude, you’re seriously coming along REALLY fast… I can see a Top Row in your future. Seriously!

wow thanks man but i’m a looong way from a top row piece. In many ways I’m still just getting the basics down. But… I am very proud of this. I’m sure it’s old hat for a lot of you but. I finally got around to following Geert Melis’ tutorial on using uv maps, alphas and noise maker to get nice patterns on a mesh. I’ve wanted to do this for the longest time. I still need to practice it a bit more. … and maybe next time I’ll put the fishnets on a chicks legs instead of dudes LOL THANKS GEERT!!!

Changed the minotaur pose. Trying to push the anatomy. I’m still slow.

Please could you post the link to the tutorial :slight_smile:

Here ya go, Sparky.