
Moooo. A noob's 'sketchbook'

When you follow that tutorial it’s really important to keep your uv maps nice and clean. The underlying mesh will determine how well the pattern lays on the surface. You can see some issues with my example.

The anatomy of the Minotor looks great.

pose and anatomy are defintely moving in the right direction.

Great progress on the Minotaur sculpt :+1:! Looks like you’re starting to get comfortable with ZBrush :slight_smile:

When I was betatesting Noisemaker and doing the chainmail thing, I was thinking about how it could be used to make stockings -> check out this sculpt by Brandon Lawless, he made it before Noisemaker was available -> he had to model the nets in Modo :confused: thank god for Noisemaker :slight_smile:

-Love the stuff on your website :+1:

Happy ZBrushing,

Etcher- the sculpts you are speaking of are exactly why I wanted to learn how to do this. Thanks again for the tutorial. It was very thorough.

Still working on this. I finally feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel though. Thanks to Steve Lord and Rich Lafarga for their help.

Really great job on your Minotaur sculpt:+1:
Very solid anatomy and really love the dynamic and aggressive pose!
Cheers buddy,

  • kenny:)

wow man this looks good, you could make that war club way better i think.

do not get lost in the maze with this guy.

Scary! Man the broken nose ring is such a good idea. Great symbolism.

Very cool!

I’m really trying wrap up work on this minotaur. I desperately need some creative input though because I am totally stuck on his armor and accessories. I have tried so many different things and nothing seems to look right. Maybe I’m slightly burnt out on it. I dunno. I don’t want to cover up too much of his anatomy. I feel like the armor should be simple and organic looking. I’d love to get some feedback because I’ve run in to a wall. Still not sure about the fur on his lower legs either. It just roughed that in. Should I try out more on his upper back and shoulders? I’m also aware that the chain needs to hang more naturally. Maybe it should be shorter too? like just a few links hanging from his wrist? thanks…

Are you sure it needs armor? It looks pretty good as is without the shoulder plate. Great job Ehren.


What’s with minotaurs these days? you can see them all over here at ZBC, everyone do them. What is it, some kind of contagious bacteria? :lol:

Great job, Ehren. I did something -somewhat- similar but you went way further (mines’ still frozen in the T-pose and doesn’t wears any gear except the nose ring).

looks very cool.
one day they might be able to 3d print these things as living conscious tissue

I can just concur with my man Ezra, really nice work on your minotaur, but the shoulder plate does not fit to him. Would recommend on doing a coat or something lightweight. He looks very organic and I think the heavy shoulder plate does not match with his dynamic pose, but thats just my oppinion!
Other than that a really great sculpt, love his pose and definently one of the best I’ve seen on a minotaur sculpt!
Keep at it!:+1:
All the best,

  • kenny:)

Thanks for the input. Gonna keep it as simple as possible.

less is more?

looking good

this might be finished…