
Making Time For Art. Update3@Page 24, Update2@ Page 11, Update1@ Page 7

Ok first off I WANT THAT WATCH!!! Please make it happen!!!

Also can you give us the file to the song in the demo too? I like it!

:+1: great sneak peek, can’t wait for the full announcement :smiley:

Gosh!!! wooooooooow!!! … what can i say… this is one of the most incredible things that ive ever seen created in ZBrush!!! created by the creator of ZBrush!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

that’s some awesome “timetelling-machine” you got there, pixolator! i am sure - the fanboys would share a leg to get their hands on a replica! thanks for sharing!

…just had a retro-weekend with my son playing sonic on genesis and thought about you… (…i know you didn’t… but it won’t stop me thinking… right?!)

cheers and all the best!


Lovely stuff! Can’t wait for the new Mac version, it’s gonna rock.

The only thing i see in this movie are high poly planes cut out with alfas and extruded… ?! … very impresive, cant speak…

Great work all you a Pixologic!
Waiting for the beta invitation!
Great plugin the zAnimator, drop all other things you have and go on and make it final! I´m willing to pay for a thing like this. Hopefully with an exportable animation format as well!


I want this watch on my wrist.

“During the previous week, ZBrush for Macintosh has entered its official beta-testings stages.”

Supercalifragilisticexpialidous!!! Sorry I just opened my mouth and it was the first thing that came out.

Thank you so much for the status report. I so eagerly await the arrival of ZB3.5 OSX.

nicccccccce! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.

The presentation
and the news about
Zbrush 3.5 for Mac.

So there’s a new Rendering engine or not?
is that a turntable master or Movie / Animation Plug-in?
zb4 pushed back again?

Cannot get better then this,
Jaw dropping,

Actually, that’s not what you’re seeing. But I can’t tell you what you ARE seeing. :wink:

Ok, I will ask! What is it that we ARE seeing? :slight_smile:

By far the best mechanical ZBrush design I’ve seen :slight_smile: Not only in complexity, the design is also striking. Very creative presentation of the dials. So when can I order one :qu:

Fantastic stuff!

Looks like there are some new ways to create base shapes. But I am often wrong.

Great Vids - Looking forward to the release.