
Luo Qisheng's Sketch Book, human anatomies , and heads

Nice! I love the renders and anatomy. Very realistic.

great works ,love your works man:+1:

Awesome works…Very inspiring.


Thought you posted an image of a real person in a studio, then I saw that it’s a digital model!

How did you do the hair, fibermesh?

woww! incredible amount of realism you have there! Definitely very impressive and inspirational!
Congrats on the amazing work!

Great sculptures. However there are two models, that seems to be a bit off, the first male’s pose looks strange to me, it might be that it’s very feminine, and the other is when the guy is stretching his arms. The left scapula seems to be off position. Otherwise (especially the female models) the rest is beyond excellent :slight_smile:

***38750;***24120;***19981;***38169;***30340;***19996;***35199; ***35265;***35782;***20102; ***65281;***65281;***65281;

great sculpt and rendering!
very impressive :smiley:

Really amazing! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:294458_252872171414211_3539675_n.jpg

Your male model is well sculpted and the render looks really nice. top row stuff!

what i can say to you is 5 words:"xian mu du ji hen "(chinese can’t be typed);especially to your wife.

haha, you are so funny, thank you man.

this is so inspirational, thank you so much for sharing these. Those works inspires me alot :slight_smile:

Great models and very natural your poses. Congrats!:+1:


That’s real amazing man good job!

Wow! that is fantastic work. I would love to know how you did Micheal Corleone’s hair

i would love to see some texture on the girl model :smiley:

This was like be allowed to tour an Atelier. These anatomy studies are inspiring! Thank!