
Julian_K 2010 [shader download at bottom of first post](nuditity)





nice shader mate, and nice sculpt !
keep it up.

Also available on freelance

another kick ass shader. Thanks man

Like I said before, great works here, and thanks for all the shaders man, you’re awesome! :wink: Was playing around with these shaders today , and liking them

glad you like it guys :slight_smile:

Another shader?
he he its the right time actually, not in bed, once again.

Many thanks for those shaders and brushes! :slight_smile:

the skulpts and shaders always fantastic Julian :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
and I have a Julian_K folder in ZBrush now, :wink: thanks for sharing.


Thanks guys.
I added a rough guide to quickly tweak the shader to the post.

The marble material and render settings rock! Thanks for sharing

I am rendering a marble model right now :smiley:


cool. can’t wait to see what’s it gonna be :slight_smile:

btw, does Capital_G refer to NiN?

The shader is looking awesome Julian, thanks for taking the time! :slight_smile: :+1:

Btw, where both one post away from 1K, haha! :smiley:

Nice shader! I know how to make a matcap, but how exactly do make a shader in zbrush?

haha, I didn’t notice that. indeed 999 posts so far. well I suppose with this I am hitting 1000. will I get anything now? :wink:

well, depending on how complex you want it to be, you pick either one of the standard tri or quad shaders and then start by tweaking those slots already there or copy and past from other shaders whatever looks closest to what you are aiming for.
in essence you don’t make anything from scratch but tweak what is there. however, that can sometimes be so tedious and time consuming that you can actually call it your own creation :slight_smile:

Or even better, wait Julian’s new shader and tweak this.
Don’t forget to say thank you. :laughing:
OK I’m joking. There’s a reason to have ready shaders and not multiple exports-combinations. Is to sculpt using them. Its important for an artist to sculpt in marble or bronze-like preview. To see faked reflections when cutting a face.
Thank you Julian, another great shader from you. :+1:









Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Especially with the sss applied. Again, thanks so much for sharing the shaders and the breakdowns :sunglasses: :+1:

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge man. Beautiful work.

Looks really great! Thanks so much!