
Julian_K 2010 [shader download at bottom of first post](nuditity)

Julian, wow…another beautiful shader; you spoil us dude… we soooo lucky!
awesome work - as always - buddy

Thank you fellow Zbrushers. happy you like it.

on a general side-note: every body’s free to use it, but do give credit if you post/publish anything with it.
not necessarily only to cater to my vanity, but also out of simple respect.
if I take the time to make something and share it, you might as well take the little bit of time to acknowledge that.
and kind of out of place but not unrelated one more thing:
if you really really like the music of a band a lot, then for the band’s sake lay the little money down to actually BUY their music. just the same as you usually want to be paid for your job, or don’t you?

thanks for the attention.

Looks great, I really like your sculpting work.


Thanks a lot man. same to you :slight_smile:

Will do! Thanks for the freebie! It looks really nice!:+1:

you are welcome webhead.

Amazing work and quite disturbing all at the same time O.o

Thank you squeige :slight_smile:

Some of the Bacon-inspired images give a nice take on his style.

very very impressive (and disturbing! :-D) work!
MAny thanks for sharing the shaders, looking at otherpeople’s setting for render is the best way to learn at least for me


I can just concur, great sketchbook Julian!
Really inpsiring work and the shader is amazing!
All the best to you,

  • Kenny =)

Incredible work Julian. You have such a vast art style at your disposal, strong solid shapes and an eye for composition. a real treat for the senses here. I like I like.