
Joseph Drust - Digital Sculpture Thread

I begin.

Thanks for sharing.


Incredible work!!!

Great posts, great info.

Inspiring stuff all around.

Yeah, you have some nice tricks indeed to teach us!
I’m curios to see more of your workflow and use of brushes…

Best part is, you just say it’s a long work that needs patience, sometimes we think there is a trick to make it easy, but the secret is, it’s just a lot of hard work!

Oh man, thanks, sitting a full 3" higher in my chair now, /begin obsessive scoping of posted materials
you gotta be kidding with the hard edge stuff, so good
A friend and I have been trying to figure out ways to make accurate
piping around edges and such for hard edge.
Balls. that is what Im doing which means I really really still suck at it
but with patience there is at least a chance.:wink:
Thanks for taking the time to post such a thorough response.:+1:
(and I’m glad too its not one of those “oh I sharted this out over lunch” responses):smiley:

Wow, Amazing work, love sculpt so much, thanks for sharing :+1:

Great info there. Thanks for sharing. :smiley:

P.S. Congrats on TopRow!

Congrats and awesome work, Joe! I’ve been trying to figure out how you did some of that hard surface sculpting for awhile now (in fact, I was just trying to to accomplish something similar to what you described - but nowhere near what you achieved), wishing I could still just go over to your desk. Thanks for the video! I will have to study it.

Wow thanks for sharing your alphas. Those are going to come in handy!

thank you!~

Amazing work dude, i really hope i can to your level some day

great work. big thanks for sharing. the artist here are so generous.

Superb work man! :+1: :slight_smile:

Fantastic work. Well deserved Top Row.


Great Great stuff, I love your work especially when it comes to details and mechanical elements. thanks for sharing :):+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Congrats on the Top Row! Great stuff, thanks for sharing

Fanatasic work, thankyou very much for explaining your techniques and sharing your brushes/alphas. Love the level of detail in your models.

Really nice :slight_smile: What brushes did you use for the clothing on the sniper? it looks really NICE :smiley:

Thank you for sharing :smiley:

amazing work man you are a PRO :+1: :+1: :+1:

Insane models man. was a real treat to see. Love them all.

Could you give a break down of how you go from a high poly zbrush model to a lowpoly game model.

I normally use topogun to retopo my initial sketch and fix up in 3d max and uv map then bring it over ZB to highres sculpt finer details but when I sudivide that mesh in zbrush it destroys (stretchs out my edge loops) my low poly model. In 3d max it subdivides fine with turbo smooth. I guess the main problem is i want to us my good lowpoly I made in max with maps(displacement or normal) generated from the ZB high poly. The ZB high poly always seems to have a different silhouette than a turbo smoothed mesh from 3ds max so even using xnormal gives strange results due to the different silhouettes.

Sorry for harping on but its something I cant get my head around.