
Joseph Drust - Digital Sculpture Thread


Superb work here! :+1:
Also, many thanks for the assets. :slight_smile:


Inspiring works.
Thanks for sharing.

Great work - congrats on top row! Thanks for the goodies and taking a few minutes to go over your workflow.

Your detail on that ****pit chair is absolutely mind blowing. I love your work. Id really love to see your workflow on hard surface objects.

Your work is really inspirational, congrats and I hope to see more work from you in the future!

absolutely stunning and thanks for the tricks

:+1: :+1: :+1: Fantastic!I like all of your works!:smiley:

Really inspiring work. Thanks so much for sharing.

strange, it seemed to me like you were using HPolish…what a surprise to discover that you use the Hpolish :lol:

Joking apart, wonderful works man, some of the best sculpts i’ve seen around in the last times!

Gorgeous modelling.

lol. I see black magics in this post. congratulations on the lovely top row thread and keep it up, your work is beyond impressive.

But when you say long time… How long do you think? I’m very curious about what you would consider to be a long time for a sculpt?

I love these but have zero clue how you would even begin to retopo some of these models. I would spend a year just trying to cool my brain down thinking about how to retopo let alone starting to do it.


thanks for the share, great zbrushing

I threw up another quick Youtube video (silent with subtitles) in hopes of answering some more of the workflow questions asked in this Thread.

The video contains quick info on: two methods to quickly hold edges inside of ZBrush, using the Alpha Polish brushes I attached, how I retopologize numerous subtools, and an example of what I do to create cloth.

Holding Edges, Retopology for Numerous Subtools, Alpha Polish, Cloth Tricks

I hope this helps some. I think I corrected most of the spelling/grammatical errors and used the correct upper and lowercase for ‘hPolish’ :wink:

Thanks again for all the kind words!


thanks man, checked out the vid, very helpful, really cool what you do with the alphabevel alphas, cheers

Cheers Piggyson. Turbo smooth then reconstruct sub-div in Zbrush. Genius. Solves my stupid problem.
I model with edge loops and I did a test te see just how much Zbrush sub-division is different to 3d max’s turbo smooth. Big difference in the way it smooths with edge loops.

-Zbrush tends to ignore the distance between loops and tries to evenly spread them out. (this is what I mean by destroys the basemesh. it actually changes itts shape)
-3d max seems to hold the the shape of the base mesh more where loops are closer and retains the base meshs original shape.

thanks a lot.:+1:

ah yeah, very cool thanks so much for sharing your techniques

Love your work. Very Inspirational

Fantastic works, congratulations!!! :+1: :+1: :+1:

great man…thanks for sharing your knowledge… :+1: