
Ji Gong

great work

Wowww! great piece!!

wow, thats really nice work. and good job with the gesture too.

Very original and well done : )

you are more than great. every your work continue impressing me

Plz bare with my questionā€¦ it may seem stupid or noobish but it is still a bit of a problem to meā€¦ Thank you

I want to know how you create the stitches???
Do you just sculp them in ZBrush or added in maya???

Plz reply and thanks in advanceā€¦ :slight_smile:

Hi,I made stitches in maya,thanks

Sorry for being so selfish, I didnā€™t even complimented your workā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

The work as a whole is pretty awesome but the hairs and the pose and the facial expression are the best according to meā€¦ :slight_smile:

Also if you could briefly explian how exactly in maya, that would be great.

Hi,There is how I did in MAYA.hope you can understand.

awesome work all around!love it!!

Fantastic, I know this character, I was going to ask about the hair, so its in Max.

Amazing work, Sir!! :+1:

fantastic! great work!

is this hair made in zbrush ?

WOW! Outstanding work.

If you dont mindā€¦ how did you create the hair in zBrush?

Amazing project! Perfect sculptingā€¦ :+1:

thanks again!
I made hair in 3dsmax.

Simply Amazing this pic giveā€™s me at least a thousand words and great posing

AWEEEEESOME one of the best

very nice, overall is good.