
Jason Martin, 2010 production work

Top notch work Jason!
Thanks for posting

Great model here!!! Bravo


Love your work

Do you know how Batman: Arkham City was rendered?

I hear it was rendered with “Arnold” as was the best shots in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood Story Trailer. Would love to know more about it as the results look great.

I also hear Sony Pictures used it instead of Renderman I could mention more studios but they have not gone puplic about what they use but we all know;)

This is who is making the render engine and the website tells you so much about it:angry: http://www.solidangle.com/coming_soon.html

I know lots of films used it, Alice in Wonderland, only used Arnold and 2012 to name but a few:D would love to know more.

Great works! thanks for sharing creation process.
I would like to join the request to tell about the 3d max retopo process. Thanks!

ah man I like the Arkham City model :frowning: But very nice work nevertheless! I like how clean each sculpt is and the detail you put into the :slight_smile:

Top Notch Work,


Another awe inspiring thread from the talent at Blur studios, All you guys are awesome!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Capitol_G - Totally depends, Hero characters can vary from 15-20 days depending on complexity, some rare cases we may get 25.

digiegg - I work with mostly displacement maps, Ill use normals here and there if can get away with it but I prefer displacement. My maps size vary as well depending on the shots. Generally Ill start around 3k for body parts 4k and higher for the head, they can always shrink them if they need to.

sam10bw - If I had the time I would but its hard for me to find it, maybe one day.

weiluntsai - Na man no way is really stupid, each character presents different challenges. Some workflows work better for specific projects.

d100763 - Ill work on it =)

ncollings - Thx nic, glad to have you on-board!

montyband - see my response to Capitol_G :slight_smile:

bomoh - If I have time I might

TheMonkeyKing - its pretty simple really, max 2010 incorporated polyboost (known as graphite tools now). I just use the poly draw feature that lets you select a mesh that you want to draw polygons onto. Once you have selected your hires mesh, you create a new empty object and you can then draw verts across the mesh and connect them. There is actually several way to do it, one feature even lets you draw lines across the mesh and connect the polygons that way.

Rox29 - For Force Unleashed 2 we were still in Mental Ray.
- I just broke them out when I retopologized.

Grassetti - Im a huge fan of your work as well my friend, you have amazing stuff!!! It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to the next time!

LittleClaude - Arkham City was rendered in Vray

Again thx everyone for the kind words!!! If I missed any questions let me know

Oh one more treat, here is the largest render I have for that still. Hope you enjoy :slight_smile:




really amazing work!

love the darth vadar helmet’s shader.

you da man, Jason! :+1:

Thanks for delivering on the request, got it as my wallpaper! Again, great work mate!

Youre awesome man, thx :slight_smile: Its on my Desktop now :slight_smile:

pure AWESOMENESS!..thanks for posting this stuff

Thanks a lot for posting some info on your process. This is A level work, and it’s really inspiring for us aspiring A level artists. Especially your workflow info.

Saved to my inspiration folder. And I’m headed to work just a little more enthusiastic than usual, thanks to you :slight_smile:


i’m eternally jealous. best compliment i’ve got. :wink:

seriously tho’: you’re the tits, hoss.

-the other “j”

Shame you deleted the soldier from your thread :frowning:

Wow, that stuff is insane. I don’t know how to feel now I have seen it, inspired enough to pick up my wacom and get sculpting, or just stab myself in the neck with it and put myself out of my mediocre misery!
Well done you for being brilliant.

oooh ! amazing works !!!