
Grot's digital sculptures

Very freaky sculpts mate, like that big time!
Looking forward seeing more from you.

woah! those are some crazy, surreal and abstract sculpts, I love it!

deepgrot 27 2 DUN web.jpg

Amazing as always ā€¦ but they just keep getting better and better.

Someone else hit it on the head, to me they feel very strange but benign not ominous! :lol: cheers, David :smiley:

These are very cool. Love the atmosphere in them.

your sculpts are amazing. they are not scary, but strange, and have a strong alien feel to them. i really love the atmosphere you are able to create. your sculpts remind on giger, however your way is not about lots of detail, nevertheless, a similar fasinated feeling is produced in me as the viewer of your piecesā€¦ i really enjoy them.

this is an outstanding thread. very atmospheric getting-under-your-skin type of work. love it! :slight_smile:

good lord, itā€™s impossible to keep up with all the good stuff posted here recently. if only I had the time to give a fat thumbs up comment on each and every great post, but in fact Iā€™m not probably not even seeing half of it when I donā€™t stop by every day.

hey everyone, itā€™s been a while since I posted anything, busy, busy busy : )

Thanks for all the positive words, glad you all enjoy my art, means a lot to have such feedback and thank you all for taking the time to respond.

I wanted to show you all what I have been working on lately:


above is a poster I was requested to produce for a project by FoolishPeople in collaboration with Conway Hall

Below are 5 works I have on display at the event:

novelty 3 web.jpg

novelty 4 web.jpg

novelty 5 web.jpg

novelty 7 web.jpg

novelty 9 web.jpg

and finally (ignore the horrible furniture) a photo of the images in the real world printed on 8mm acrylic:

prints photo.jpg

If any of you guys live in or near London I recommend checking out the event, FoolishPeople do some amazing immersive experiences and I am proud to be part of this one.
links to the event: Virulent Experience

Very nice! Very well done. Love them.
ha ha, talking about the horrible furniture.
ehhh what furniture? lol
No you gave your fight alright and you beat the couch. Well done indeed.

Fantastic work here. You are an inspiration!

ā€¦yeahh! good tasteā€¦ composition, modeling, atmosfereā€¦

True piece of artā€¦

great artā€¦!!
top row stuff:+1:


amazing lines! - finally an original call and resonce to Giger

thanks again everyone. Now I have some time to do personal work again Iā€™ll being posting some more stuff soon.

he lurks in the swampā€¦

doomgrot 5 web.jpg

Wow You are extremely talented and I love your works fine detail Oh so Much ! Thanks for Sharing your Art :slight_smile:

doom grot 7 smaller.jpg

Love your art, reminds me Beksinski (and thatā€™s great) but with a personal touch, keep on posting :slight_smile:

His works should be in the top row in a long time !!! top row top row top row :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

You do your renderings with the BPR or the best classic?
