
From Hell....

Definitly looks like a soldier of Thor´s army. ^^
I think his pants could use more work… It doesnt look like a pant, but a fat and flacid leg hahaha

Much better as a celt!!! Beautiful work, the detailing is excellent!

Wow…very nice update…love the vest armour detail!

Excellent work. The pants and the leg straps are the weakest part.

very good detail + really cool character.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

that is some excellent detail! i hope u do a full color version as well.

Excellent sculpt…
i love the way you have done the hair and the beard…
but i have to agree with dustinbrown about the pants and straps…

Thank you all for your comments!!! It seems that you all don´t like the pants. Well, I guess this is reason enaugh to go back and give them some more work.

Neues Sketchbook. Wirklich geile Sachen hier!
Du lernst aber schnell, ich bin sehr positiv überrascht. Kompliment. Oder machst Du das doch schon seit paar Jahren, hm? :slight_smile:
Der Pan ist cool und die Base gefällt mir richtig gut mit dem hängenden Gras und dem hohlen Stamm. Das Anatomie Model sieht auch richtig gut aus. Damit quäle ich mich auch grade rum – also Anatomie. :roll_eyes:
Und last but not least… die Rüstungen von den letzten Modellen sind auch echt klasse geworden. Niiiice !!!
Sieht aus als klappt es jetzt gut mit Polycount. :slight_smile: Freue mich schon auf das nächste Update.

Hi Folks!

I´ve finished some of my projects, have to clean up my computer from all this staff. :slight_smile:

First I upload my warrior. I did some changes after your critics. Polypainted in Zbrush and overworked in photoshop.

I hope you like him.

The final result looks very nice! If I may offer a little crit – his arm seems to be a little too short/small compared to the whole model. Not sure, though. Might be the perspective. :slight_smile: Anyways, its finished and its a really nice piece!

You`re going to clean up your computer? I did that last week… now I have 10GB more. :smiley:
I seriously hope you are going to delete the stuff… not the staff. Hehe :wink:

Here is my “Ratman”. He is something like a maskot from me. I´ve painted this character 7 times in the last 20 years. He is just tracking me … hehe

Batman. Just an experiment to find out a bit more about polypainting and matcaps used together.

Skullhelmet. Another experiment. I used the “haematite” matcap from pixologic-site and overworked it a bit in photoshop.

Oh, there are more new models here, cool! The rat man looks really great, although I personally don`t like his shirt. Catwoman anywhere? :smiley:
Nice experimenting on the skullhelmet. Did you use the new 3.5 brushes for it?

Real nice works…i especially like the Rat man and Bat man!

although I personally don`t like his shirt.

I don´t like it too!!! Hahaha. I own 2 cats and have nothing against them. But I thought it would give the ratman a little bit of humor. What´s a rat´s greatest enemy?

Catwoman anywhere?

Good idea! Coming soon.

Did you use the new 3.5 brushes for it?

NO!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I am one of the mac-users here. Still working with Zb 3.2

I like Ratman. I would have given him pink eyes and more a a rat like face.

really cool stuff hell!
i like the ratman and the trollbust best

Sorry, that wasnt meant as attack in any way. Da hab ich wohl mal kurz die Krallen ausgefahren, nichts für ungut. :D I just love cats. No worries, I know its just art…and yeah, of course a cat is a great enemy of rats (not sure if they are THE enemy…but…thats another discussion.:)) My cat doesnt hunt rats. So maybe they could be friends. :wink:

Really GOOD texture work and GREAT modeling!

Sorry, that wasn`t meant as attack in any way. Da hab ich wohl mal kurz die Krallen ausgefahren, nichts für ungut.

Hab ich gar nicht als Angriff aufgefasst!! No prob!!! Und ausserdem gebe ich Dir ja recht - ich selbst würde das Shirt niemals anziehen.

The one of my two cats kills 3-5 rats EVERY night and brings their dead bleeding bodies to my bedroom. That was my intent to give the ratman an anti-cat-shirt.