
First decent anatomy study (Still WIP)

Update to the female study.




Decided to post a close up of the face and see if you guys think I got the female facial features at least kind of right.

Looks like your on the right track, watch the hard contors on the chin. Look at loads of reference images, keep working on general anatomy, this will help a male or female head. Use the Clay build up and Clay tubes, dont worry about sculpting in too deep, you can smooth it out later, play with it, your learn faster.

Thanks for the feedback, Danny. I’ll keep playing with it and add some hair to the head. BTW, I’m looking forward to seeing your new works; getting feedback from Scott Eaton must have made you an expert.

Nice! Looking good.

Here are a couple suggestions for the face to make it more feminine. Mainly softening the noise ridge, reducing the chin.

Thanks for the suggestion. But I gotta say, your changes makes it look kind of like a man. It will look better when I make the changes in zbrush. Thanks for the feedback!

Egh… Yea maybe. Everyone bald looks like a man to me.

Update to the face.

Just a quick head study with Dynamesh.

It’s been a short while since I posted. So, here’s my latest male study. Again, this noob needs feedback, guys.

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Will add some asymmetrical details later (still a wip). Thanks in advance!


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Looks good, quite natural :+1:. If I had to crit i’d pay attention to where the neck meets the chest, the flow seems strange there.

You mean the sternocleidomastoid connecting to the clavicles, or just the clavicles looking odd? BTW, you think the head looks a tad small for the body? Thanks for the feedback, mate! :slight_smile:

Update to current male study: added eyes and little details to the abs. I also adjusted the clavicles and the sternocleidomastoid a bit.

Feedback would be appreciated :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!

Your getting there, looking much better, but you have seem to have lost your proportions, he is currently just over 6.5 heads tall, should at least be 7.5, or 8.
Il let you do some investigating on this.

Just a few things il mention. Hardly anyone shows a 6 pack, the two top abbs are right on the rib cage under the pecs, and normaly are hardly seen. It looks like the Brachioradialis is inserting towards the palm, where as the Flexor Palmaris should be, and the Ext carpi radialis longus is heading towards the phumb where the Brachioradialis should be. If you study each limb, and sculpt it, your get it much more accurate. Keep going over it, and look for borders of other muscles that help you sit the next mucles to them.

If you realy want to nail the human body down for anatomy, I recomend doing Scott Eatons Anatomy for Artist course, right from week one your be doing things different, worth saving up for if you dont want to dodge through books, and miss some important things along the way. Again, you must have a good book beside you, Anatomy for artist by Eliot Goldfinger is a must.

Another thing I will mention here, is try to look at not just muscles, and bones, but at Fat flanks, and where the belly of muscles are, and at what point tendon starts to show. There are some things in the lower leg that needs looking at, il let you see if you can find them yourself first, hint, calfs, and ankles.:wink:

Good luck.

Hey Danny. Thanks for replying. I know of the common genetic predisposition to just show a four-pack and the forty ounce, but that doesn’t mean that the six-pack does not happen often enough, though. I guess I put too much emphasis on the top abs and have to adjust them. Will adjust the fore arm muscles. I’m not sure about the proportions, though. To me he looks over 7.5 heads tall in the ZBrush canvas (I measured against reference). I see what you mean about the gastrocnemius muscles and the malleolus; I’ll work on them. I’m thinking of taking scott’s anatomy for artist one day (maybe a year from now), probably I’ll be more advance by then. Thanks again, Danny. Your feedback is always appreciated :slight_smile:

You dont have to stick 100% to the anatomy cannon, but its good to check, as if your way out of that cannon, somthing is wrong. Use transpose to get the head hight, then your see that by the time you get to the 3rd head down the body, somthing is out. By the time you get to the 4th where the groin should be, your half way down the thigh.



Yes, more muscular men, LOL! trying to get the hang of this.

Still a wip. Feedback would be appreciated.

Female study #2 (WIP).

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Feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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I like your female study! And nice detail in the male musculature :slight_smile:

Thanks, mate! your feedback is a sign that I’m making progress :slight_smile: