
Figure sculpting sketchbook

i like the guesture in your model and the anatomy…very nice now you gotta refine it


Right now I simply want to learn the structure, to create a solid human structure quickly.
After a couple more sketches I will go into more detailed again.
Hope that makes sense :slight_smile:


yes, it makes sense, i am trying to learn this way too (following your path). beautiful studies :slight_smile: … are you using references for the poses ? if so, fotos ? or a model ?

another structure study basically :slight_smile:

Looks real good:) all the connections are there, nice and natural! Keep it up.

I can just concur, I am really digging all of your studies and you are doing it just right. like everyone says anatomy is the key to beeing a better artist and your
improvement just keeps on getting better and better! Congrats to that mate!:+1:
Definantly keep it going like that and have fun sculpting.

  • Kenny :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the compliments guys!

here is another study


I really like your studies! I’m doing something alike rightnow and you’re an inspiration

Thanks man!

I feel like I finally begin to understand the basic structures and shapes, so now its time to start detailling and try to understand that.

New sketch:


your work is so beautiful, even in this sketch stage. you inspired me too, to pick up anatomy learning, and every time i come back to your thread, i can see how much you improved, and i need myself push harder. thank you…keep up your great work and building a solid foundation !!

thanks man!

here is another sketch, I have really been slacking lately and plan to create more sketches & studies comings months.

this one was the hardest pose to do so far.
Not completely happy about it, but at some point I just want to start something new.
and I should really push myself to create decent hands and feet but they bore me so much :stuck_out_tongue:


Awesome work :slight_smile: it’s started to look more and more natural each time.

new study

sculpt test.jpg

i like how well this one shows the eggshape of the ribcage… and, how well it shows the insertion points and layering of the muscles… all your studies are inspirational !

thanks man!

here is a quick one, about 3 hours.

Now I really have force myself to do more detailed studies :wink:


great work, i should start doing some too :smiley:

I love this one, the muscle is awesome :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


studie of a foot, I really need to do these more detailed studies, but their so boring :cry:
