
Earthtribers Sketchbook

[DJ girl isle_Renderthumb.jpg]DJ girl isle_Render.jpg

still work to do on anatomy but i like this image very very much critiques very welcome and can anyone point me in the direction of a current tutorial on the new fibres feature i think a few patches of heavy grass would look great on this floating isle…

[djtreegirl posed.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘217162’,‘djtreegirl%20posed.jpg’,1,0))


djtreegirl posedthumb.jpg

lovin the new 4r2 release

heres some practice with rendering effect and with hard edge sculpting

pres sheet.jpg

so easy to use and fab results thanks guys again

Nice addition to that base.:+1:small_orange_diamond:)…Great to see all the uses that people are finding for the new Fiber brush feature…no limit…:smiley:

indeed seems like a massive breakthrough this one!!! lots of old projects calling me for completion with this new feature also leaves on trees is huge for me … tempted to shut down life and go zbrush zbrush zbrush again haha!!

big bison.jpg

Oh my word this one took me by surprise… made this bison ages ago and thought it would make a good test piece wow wow wow the effect is awesome! beyond my expectations by far…

big bison3.jpg

this last one was just created using the light cap again wow effects!


Absolutely fantastic. This is a great result!! Lovely grooming :slight_smile:


thanks very much guys! never thought id be grooming bison today!..


Hey EarthTriber :smiley:
Nice FiberMesh Exploration on that Bison of yours …:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

thanks guys… its a whole new hairy world!

so this was my starting point an old sculpture I did way way back… perfect fibermesh testing ground… first task was to get the general low fur on… so total beast was masked then de-mask eyes eyelids mouth nose and hooves also the tip of the tail… above is the fibermesh preview… here is where I did lots of grooming and then rendering out to see the results… tried to get that wild look also very pleased the thickness and colours… see below for a render of that first fur level… here I masked out the mane, beard and the tip of the tail… adding a longer fiber for all those as a second fiber tool… there is lots of wild grooming which I may still tweak for the final image great fun to do and to see the instant effect is a huge difference from rendering fibers blind as before! also I painted the tips of the ridge-back fur and the beard and edges with a lighter colour sometimes white… basically like dry brushing… brushes used where the twists and a combo of lots of others more testing to be done for me for sure before I have a understanding of what they are all capable of… here is that rendered… when adding the main I did have the original fur visible to see the results together. I also remember having to delete a couple of failed attempts… the two combined and rendered poly-paint for the original model to help the render… super fast and not much blacked out the tip of the nose and hooves result… and a test render… next stage is to make a base I have reworked the eyes and the ears plus finished the hooves properly and will take this all the way to completion… awesome awesome work guys on this release… zbrush rulez!!!


The result looks stunning, I miss some more “chaos” in that fur. But is probably the best approach to animal fur I’ve seen thsi week.

Thanks very much LapsusMental

I hear you for the final image i will look at reference and have the beast stood on a snow plinth
hopefully with a hint of that kind of mange effect and with a scar or two…

I’ve been travelling the world for a year! I am now sitting in a hotel in Borneo in Tawau making the most of a power socket catching up on old projects, whilst i have access to the net and opportunity
to learn some of these amazing new features of Zbrush!here is a development from a sketch i did on the way to New Zealand which I sculpted there in the land of the long white cloud back in November!
it was taken to the level of this first picture and now with the amazing new fibermesh i get to fix the trees up in style! I will be working on this at my next point of rest where ever that is… maybe
Koto Kinablu if I get a commission to paint there in a posh hotel or maybe on the tip of Borneo where i found a awesome beach cafe and great crew to hang with…

we shall see what the road brings… heres the work so far… i’ll post a pic of the sketch in time…

First work roughed out original trees pre fibermesh

the power of fibermesh is amazing… I would liker to get my trees even tighter but loving this first test results…
I paint jungle on walls for a living and I know that the more leaves you are prepared to detail out the more awesome the painting looks…

oh how i wish zbrush could help me paint!

Wow…Some people have all the luck…:smiley: Sounds like you are one of them…:+1:…Jealous of all of what must be great adventures :smiley:

Luv this piece that you are working on now…Elegant design…Beautiful…and Great symbolism also…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Keep Inspired and Inspiring EarthTriber…and safe in all of those adventures that lay ahead. :):+1:

Hehe Thanks Glen…

I’ve rendered out some more of the bison this time with one material… Ive been working on the base too… going for a spring snow melting plinth… starting to look good in the poly paint… the pose is proving trickier with the fibers but ill get there… i want the bison to have its legs closer together like a kind of mountain goat stance… worked it through and then in the Tpose mesh which has not realigned all the fur in the last attempt… nothing a few well timed saves cant fix…

so here are a couple more renders with lighting tweak tests and the base started… using the material dj_darkorange_01

Looking Great…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)
I finally got a decent BPR render on my lions this morning… after about a hundred failed attemps…LOL…Slow learner here…:smiley:

Anyway, really enjoying seeing this bison of yours evolve, and also learning alot by studying what you have done so far with him.
Thanks for sharing your process…Some trial and error envolved, but that’s the name of the game…Great Job so far.:+1:small_orange_diamond:)