
Earthtribers Sketchbook

playing with all fibermesh settings I can and breathing life into an old base mesh

WIP faces and tree to be textured…

ZBrush Documentww.jpg


ZBrush Document.jpg

Zforest heads.jpg

Zforest headss.jpg

leaf tweaking
ZBrush Documentss.jpg



Very cool … tree of life. :lol: Great concept, look forward to seeing it textured! cheers, David :smiley:

Really Great work on the tree, really love the concept with the faces.:+1:
Can’t wait to see it fully textured and rendered!
Cheers mate,

Luv it…:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:)


Thanks very much… Spiritdreamer, chalkman and KC-Production your comments are very appreciated

very happy with it I actually really beefed up the leaves and branches using transpose which worked surprisingly well! but the leaves lost a bit of form so i re fibermeshed them got some great looking vermilliad style plants growing on the main trunk and have made a turntable which took nearly 8hrs to do one spin… in bpr render… the effect though is awesome the shadow on the trunk of the leaves is amazing!! I love it…

my day job is a mural artist and I paint a lot of jungle trees… I could easily get addicted to tree rendering here!!

here are a couple or renders and the turntable… hope you like.

<iframe width=“853” height=“480” src=“http://www.youtube.com/embed/7OKubV52SuE” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

tree render.jpg

ZBrush Documentdd.jpg

edited this post a couple of time to improve render in Youtube as best I could!



nice tree … i like the foliage, i think it is very well distributed … waiting for a colored version :slight_smile:

Thanks fael I have been enjoying your recent works!!

My friend Dan makes dance music… I designed this for his single releases and then made heaps and heaps of renders styles so each release can have same theme but different colour, here are some of the covers… his music can be heard here… Dansco http://soundcloud.com/dansco/dansco-techno-march-2011-mix

headress plain_1.jpg

headress colourFINAL_1.jpg

headress colour8_1.jpg

headress colour6_1.jpg

headress colour5_1.jpg

eco lightning acid_1.jpg

crazy chrome_1.jpg



Looking cool. I think the fourth one is my favorite.

Another Great Idea mate, really awesome design for a music cover!
I think the first,fourth and last are the greatest mate! Looking great for electro music!
Thanks for sharing this mate!one question though u didnt her tentacles with the curve Tube brush?
Cheers and have Fun mate :slight_smile:

WOW EarthTriber…:slight_smile:

Those are all Excellent…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

My favorite, just for personal reason and taste though…at the moment anyway LOL :D…is the one with the light green background…third down…It just has an elegant look and feel to it…the subtle color and design variations in that one go great with the flow and rhythm of the piece, and really enhance it’s elegance…But like I said, they are all Great…Awesome in Fact…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)

Keep Inspired and Inspiring EarthTriber…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)


thanks guys!

the headdress was made just by using the zsphere sketching brushes brought out a few years back…
i always felt they would become a common site the effect they leave but people rarely leave it that raw…

seems now my time in cheap hotels plug sockets and experimenting with fibermesh is at a end …

i now head to the beach to work on some canvases… time to paint the jungle!

a quick one done for a friend in Melbourne as I travelled through there this is for stomp dog the band…

new piece in progress… loving 4.4 you guys are amazing

thanks for the leather straps… planing to complete the hat correctly now i worked out my technique…
but all in good time this model has a long way to go!

bit of transparency on the goggles hard to get the right blend of shadow v transparency here to see both well…

love the woven shadow… exciting to do this i know i will push to get this model to be my best yet!

this is inspired by a crew of people i saw in Borneo on my world wanderings this year!

Looking Great EarthTriber…:+1:small_orange_diamond:)


Thanks Glen

here is a bonsai I’ve been working on… texture for the trunk still to come… leaves I am not totally satisfied with… But most of all not totally happy with the last fibre twigs… going to wrestle those settings a bit more before any kind of final image with this…

the detail ivy leaves i made into a IMM brush and have it in the repository here http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?971113&p=971113&viewfull=1#post971113 hope you like it!

Looks very very nice so far !

Thanks jkemp

here is the tree bark texture tried many settings with noise but in the end manually placed an alpha or two all over it… very happy with the image now…

next stage go for those wine bottle leaves? and make them way better in fibre mesh and workout exactly the very best settings for realistic directions on the branches and twigs in fibre mesh for the perfect life-size bonsai

I love this, great job earthtriber. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: