
Dragon Age : Art work by Ryan Lim

All I have to say is wow! This art blew me away. The game looks great, I also cannot stop watching the cinematic for the game, it looks like a beautiful game. Keep up the good work.

Damn!! this is stunning work!, great models, great textures !

Fantastic model all around. Grats on top row.

Great stuff Ryan
good luck with the game.

You texturing skills rocks man , I liked the Dragon model you made. Very detailed both the model and the textures !!!

wow ! Ryan u rocx man…awesome work! :slight_smile:

Could u tell me how do u create lava texture?


Absolutely gorgeous work ! Cant’t wait to play the game :slight_smile: I especially like the fire demon and the dragons head. Bet those guys are though enemys in the game.

Id love to become creature artist by myself after univeristy - got any tips on how to get into buisiness ?

hahahahaha… WOW! i think im going to buy this game now. great job.

Awesome creatures man! You’ve got some mad skills!

Auto-top row mode on!!!

great set of sculpts.
very cool

Congrats on top row :slight_smile: Really looking forward to the low rez wires and such! A few questions:

1.Any suggestions on how to achieve that Shale rock sculpting? I have a project coming up that will involve something similar so any advice/tips you can give would be greatly appreciated.

2.How did you go about setting up the renders for the high rez versions? Decimation Master used at all? I’m guessing max/mentalray?

I’m highly inspired to really bang through some more personal work now. Thanks!

Very good!!

Good!Very good!

:smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Top notch work. Congrats:+1:

Outstanding work. 5*

Thanks allot for sharing. Do you have wire pictures too? Sorry, I´m so curious, it´s just so much to learn from a professional game polywork like this.

Again, thumbs up man :+1:

Congratz on Top Row! Super concepts/sculpts/textures, thanks for posting! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !


I hardly ever play games… but I am going to play this one. Thanks for the inspiration.