
Doodles (ZScript added Pg. 2,4,5+6)

Kyphur, did you make sure you set your render from PREVIEW to BEST?

Some materials can only be viewed with their settings when the render options are set to BEST…

WOW, this is really cool stuff :+1:
LabOrganika Forum

mattybyng> Yeah, I double checked that also. You can see one of my final renders with best settings in the DEZ WIP in my handle and that’s AFTER tweaking. I felt like the material kinda took away from the texture but then again I also like the material. shrugs Oh well, it’s late for me so I’m going to bed.

Rock on,

I wonder bas if recording and saving actions would help ya in ps. If you are mostly having to deal with curves and they are somewhat constant everytime…perhaps saving actions then using them first will save you a bunch of time…then just some tweaking for individual pics. ?? A thought. I know what a pain in the arse it is!!:confused:

Great :+1:

Aminuts, yes saving an action is the best to do. :+1:


if using with a texture and sokar’s material go to material palette and turn on multiply mode and play with the blend amount in the s1 slot to find your balance of material and texture.

Bas !! really coooool character !!
I love it ! I’m waiting for other up dates :slight_smile: :+1:

Here I doodled with the DecoBrush. I used a ‘brushalpha’ with variations in Z-intensity and rgb-intensity. I also worked in two layers so they cover eachother when the Z-depth grows. Using Z-sub can easy wipe out the highest color.


Excellent picture Baz! One for the top row!

ZBrush hasn’t had it’s fair share of exploration with natural media emulation, but I think you’ve just hit the nail on the head!!!

Any chance you could knock out a small script that would demonstrate this process??

Love this!

Upham :slight_smile:

Upham, I should like to make a script but try it first. Take any alpha or that brush alpha. Set rgb-intensity what you like. Z-depth between 90 or 100. Make a sketch on the first layer. It will look flat and not interesting. Activate the second and go on. You will see you get the structure of the lines made in the first layer. Go up and down with the pixols. Keep switching between the layers. I hope this can help you on the track.
btw, you can also use different materials, but that’s step 2. Render without shadows!

Very Very nice technique. I can see a lot of things coming from it. The head was excellent and I love the feathers also. And as usual the doodles be a rocking man Oh well /e drags hismwacom out :slight_smile:
Tartan :smiley: :+1:

Geniales.:+1: :+1: :+1:

Dude… you know zbrush so well…Great job

Here I did not use colors but materials, same technics like the colorful head I posted before. Have fun trying it!


Here is a script using the layers with the materialsLayerMatPaint.zip (149 KB)

yeah Bas !!!

TOP ROW ! congrats, I’m happy for you :D:D
keep it up

Indeed, while there is no lack of fantasy, it as rare to see real creativity and innovation in 3d as in any other medium. (Excepting this forum! :wink: )

Great stuff Bas - Thanks for sharing :+1:

You’re in a rich vein of form. Wonderfully adventurous. :+1: