
Cameron Farn Presents World of the Red Sands

breathtaking work! wethe rit is drawing or 3d, everything shows up your tamazing talent!
keep posting!

Great work, the muscles of the back and the glutes are particularly impressive.

RiVvenGuard, thanks. I have alot of work still to do with him including another look at the ribs. he is clearly not human but thats no exuse, it should look a little more natural. then its onto the hands and retopo.

roger, thanks very much. glad you’ve found somthing about it you like.

abe_Tamazir, threetails is all zbrush modeling from zspheres.

maxinkuk, so good to here from you, how have you been since the contest. i had a look through your site. love the bat, really great work there. yes the back was fun to pull together, the ribs and hands are next. all of the anatomy is tweeked a little out of proportion and shape, and his feet are completely different. as i pull this together the whole body will get a unifing pass of forms wrinkles and details, should have a full body shot up soon.

Great work man, reminds me of this guy I did way back when I was still in school for 3d. http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=35723&page=2&pp=15

makes me cringe to look at this piece from so long ago:o

I would revisit the rib muscles and the mucles that attach near the scapula (there are too many, unless this was intended).

Great face though

thanks Evan, as far as the torso goes, theres still some work to do for sure. ive cleaned up the ribcage hands and feet. and a little over all touches.


These updates are looking great Cam! :+1: !

Totally missed your updates…
Hes looking huuuge with those legs :grimacing: Whats his height? I bet he can jump like a kangaroo. :smiley:
Great work, I really like the unusual proportions.

Great work around here !

Etcher, thanks alot, i’ll post a closer look at the hands today. im working to bring the other three sculpts upto this level then i’ll post them.

Moni-Poroni, thanks. He’s ment to have powerfull jumping and fighting forms, i pulled him just to the odd side of proportions for sure. One of the things im still fighting with is the size of his waist and the decision to change the shape of this rib cage to a more stout broud shape. It has the effect of making his legs look larger. As well, the postion of the arms, up and away from his body make them look short, however when down by his side they touch about mid thigh. This pose has been great for sculpting, but somtimes it throws me off. When he is milled out he will be about 7’ tall, if he remains in a standing pose.

gpepper, glad you like it.

Here is a closer look at the hands. still working on spreading the details around. and some of the final proportons as well.


wow… your work is amazing. its so alien. you capture the eerie quality of “alien” which is so damn hard to do. i want to see more! the fingers. and the face with no eyes, only a line of nostril like holes, and the crazy way the skin folds were so paralel on the midsection or the humanoid… like a new way of skin to react… an alien way…!!! hell yeah!!! bravo!!!

i could believe it.

Woah!!! Missed your stuff here!

Congrats these are great sketches and models!

nice attention to details - looking awesome threetails

good morning camaron :smiley: nice to see your new great stuff! missed most of them. have to check your threads more often!!
later gator :sunglasses:

Five star hands Cam (probably said the same thing when you posted the Witiko hands). It’s unbelieveable how you manage to get that bone/tendon/vein/skin/pore stuff sculpted. respect. Looking forward to the Sandskimmer buildup too!

Nice! Has a great organic feel going. Love the renders your doing too.

WOW! Absolutely love the organic sculpting here!!! Great job… has a very believable feel to it - and I really love the designs and renders… looking forward to seeing more! Keep it up!:+1:

mjolnir- thanks so much, very enthusiastic response i love that. theres still more to come, ive brought most of the quadriped upto the skin level as you can see she’s coming along with a horn and more thorn rattles added to the back. still lots to go.

dustbin1_uk, thanks very much for checking them out.

  • FoOD - thanks very much there all coming together.

pitchepuck, good to here from you hows things, canada trip soon?

Etcher, thanks for the encouragment. still lots to go, special details and forms for the hands are coming next. Im working up the new zkiffs for the sand skimmer but im running into somthing strange. For example, when i am sketching zshperes across a joint like the elbow. From the bicep to lets say the wrist. When i bind it and try to move the forarm it brakes the spheres directly across from the elbow sphere and creates a space instead of stretching it. ill post some images of what im experiencing. its most likely somthing im doing.

EDIT-" Yep, it was me I had to set the softness of the bind to 100 and reset the bind. Working now"

brettSinclair, thanks Brett. working up lots of characters at the same time. so i set up a standard light and tweeked one of the mats for these. added a little contrast adjustment in zb for the renders.

chindian, thanks, theres lots more to come for sure.nose.jpgprogress-of-Necticite2.jpgprogress-of-Necticite.jpg



Here is a look at the SandSkimmer in progress in 3.5 with the Zskiffs. Very simple rig with the bones and some inner forms to support the muscles which are coming next.


Great progress on the quadruped. :+1: Thanks for posting the early stages of the Sandskimmer quote:“When i bind it and try to move the forarm it brakes the spheres directly across from the elbow sphere and creates a space instead of stretching it” sounds like a soft bind issue: try setting the Soft Bind slider to a value between 50-100 and hit Reset Binding; the ZSkiffs shouldn’t break up. :slight_smile: .