
Cameron Farn Presents World of the Red Sands

Wicked stuff here Cameron! I am impressed by the quality of the love you are putting into these sculpts! I can’t wait to see them all finished :wink:

He man this is looking really impressive.

If I can just give you some advice on the renders, I think if you would change the lighting the renders would look better and show more of the detail on your models…for instance i’m missing the backlight,If you would put that in as a target spot it would give a nice (little overlighted) edge on your models!

Etcher, thanks for the tip, got it working now. putting the muscles on directly.

GregStrangis, thanks. had a quick look at your folio, very nice work there. will have more to show along with a couple of other characters that have been started. will be taking the lot to a finished textured, rendered state. as well as haveing several milled out full size. its going to be fun.

Slice, thanks alot, I’ll keep that in mind for the next set of renders, should have those out soon.

hi cameron,
your creations are always so full of phantasy and creativity. reminds me a little on DALIs artworks. creatures right out of dreams. great :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
yes, canada… I would take a trip right now. but it´s too expensive.
hey! but one day !


update Sand skimmer.


Somehow I knew this was your work ^____-
Glad to see you’re still at it.
Drop me a note when you’re all done would yeah :smiley:
Cesar Dacol Jr.
Aka, The Voodoo Monkey

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CesarDacolJr, no problem. good to hear from you, i did get your note and it sound good. should have her all done soon. how have you been?

I’m doing OK Cameron.
Keeping very busy as you can imagine. The book I was working on is all finished and am now in the middle of a 3.5 face lift for the CGWorkshop course.
Thankfully the storms have all passed and the sun is on the horizon.
It was a real pleasure having you in my class. You are a talented individual and I’m sure the other students also benefited greatly by your presence.
I can wait to see her done ^___-
All the best
Cesar Dacol Jr.
Aka, The Voodoo Monkey

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Cesar, your course was a pleasure, it was wonderful to have the chance to use your work flow and smooth out the bumps in my own. its made this project flow more smoothly for sure. i’ll post up more of the quad as she goes thru the final stages of sculpting and beyond. hope to hear from you some more.

here is a quick test of the unified skin at some very high settings. no matter how high i go at this point i can’t seem to capture the head details. it looks like ill have to simplify that face layout and try some more. love the Zskiffs.


Well this has been a fun test. Its so fast to create with ZII’s. here is a quick pose and render of the ZSkiff SandSkimmer. I optimized before posing and should have rebound things first. However, nothing that can’t be fixed, or quickly redone.

I laid down alot of spheres to creat the muscles its a little too messy. Im going to redo this one with larger and fewer spheres to get a nice clean unified skin.




Changed the zpheres around some. Cleaned up the the body and gave the wings and head another try. Not capturing 100% of the smallest spheres in the head but the wings and all that wrinkly detail came through on the wings. Will make a skin of this and start sculpting it next.


Very cool new updates, threetails. Love the whole design of Sand skimmer. Great start! How many creatures do you have in total? :slight_smile: And is there also a story behind? Would be great to read it one day.

Pretty cool, Cameron! I like the look of the wings.

That’s one thing I noticed with these new ZSpheres2 is that posing after laying them out (even after rebinding them) deforms the some of the ZSpheres but not all the connecting ones, even with softness set to 100. And as you say, they can be fixed after posing. But that’s one thing I hope Pixo addresses at some point.

Moni-Poroni, thanks, right now ther are 16 sculpts planned, more to come. Some im pulling and completeing from past work. Finished images of story moments will be created and im working on getting those models milled out full size. The stories, sculpts and images will be presented together when complete. but i will post some snippits of the story with the final models.

KrakenCMT, thanks, im with you, this is a great new tool, im sure it will be looked after. Ive put her in a basic pose and made a good skin. i’ll get her a little closer to finished and adress the head forms that were not captured. then retopo to take here all the way.

Quick pic of the unified skin with a few minutes of tweeking the face. I think what I like the most about this new aproach to spheres is how close it can get you right off the start. Which ever skinning method you go with, reducing the amount of inflations breaking the mesh, and reducing the amount of sub divisions needed to get all that form is great! It means Im adding the smaller forms and details sooner in my work flow, having attacked the bones and meat of the sculpt with the spheres. This model has 1 million polys at sdiv1 and it hold up well for this little render. More to come.


TIP:small_orange_diamond: In order to get the most efficient unified skin from ZSketch , try the following procedure…

1. Set Unified SDiv to zero, and adjust the Resolution slider as low as you can while still getting the major shapes visible in the preview skin.

2. When done with the above step, increase the SDiv level as high as you need in order to get the fine details visible in the preview skin.

3. When done, press the “Make Unified Skin”. (Make sure to use the “Make Unified Skin” button, not the Make PolyMesh3D button)

If done correctly, you’ll end up with a low resolution mesh at the first sub division level with high frequency details at higher subdivision levels.

hey thanks support for the tips. That is essensually what I have done. Im getting great results with the exception of the horn tips. When skinning, it creates webing between the tips, and some in the mouth. everything else is Superb!




Very cool work, threetails… this ZSphere II rocks!

SolidSnakexxx, thanks good to hear form you. Yes they do!
here is a progession shot of the Skimmer.


