
BPR render test

Amazing render, do you mind sharing a bit more? Besides the render (which is 6 stars out of 5) I think there are lot of anatomy issues. However, the quality of the render blown away my concerns :slight_smile:

knew this would get a top row when i first saw it. very impressive work

incredible work man! hope zbrush will improve even more the bpr render, I hate mentalray and Vray, the bpr render is more easy to tweak for me!

Great job again; can’t see the differences from the previous render, but the shader is solid and really “fleshy”!

Only thing I could say, you can paint a subtle blue hue on the veins, to simulate the skin transparency.

Thanks for sharing!


Awesome!!!Amazing work!

Really great job !!!

Dayumn this is cool!!! Your threads are numba one, PERIOD. :smiley: :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: BEAUTIFUL BPR Renders man they are SWEEEEEEET!!!

Your friend

Jonny Bone


this is truly impeccable !!!

My sketchbook

A brilliant result. :+1:

Dude nice! Well deserved top row!

I like everything but his hair. His facial feature seem just a tiny bit too soft.

Amazing! The only thing missing is the microscopic diffusion from the pores and wrinkles of natural skin, which are below the visible resolution limit of this shader. Putting a slight noise filter on one of the layers might do it, I really hesitate to say this shader can be improved, it’s so good now.

Well-deserved top row!

ZBrush render wizard

Well Done !

Solid wrk man, lovd ur keen hardwrk for adding details in texturing it, keep it up

Great render and sculpting! The legs seem a bit too long though. Congrats on the top row! :+1:

Really great work,superb!

I think your newest render is even better, how can that be ;D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
it’s like you are the god of this project :smiley: thanks for sharing some settings.:+1:
Cheers my dear friend,

  • Kenny :slight_smile:

Amazing !! looks real !:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: