
Batman DesertStorm - Comicon Enrty

damn, you modeled that all in Zbrush? that’s sick!

Cool Batman! <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

Everything is great.

solid for sure! great job!

really great. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

thanx for all the kind reply guys.i really glad you guys liked it

havent layed my hands on 3.5 but the new zbrush rox the hardsurface stuff, i really hope i can intergrate the work flow in my style for sculpting Hardsurface,

@ Badhairday: i use clay,standard and move to set the shapes, then i use pinch, and flatten , using pinch with zsub and zadd gives very different results.

Awesome work… :+1:

but could you tell me how did u create AO map

thanx :slight_smile:

wowowwiwa… top row, no doubt about it… respect man.

wow…gr8 work faraz…:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:top row…gr8 example of hard surface:)…

Amazing rendition! Great work. No crits, just compliments.

You have really done a fantastic job on this…I’m used to be a huge Batman fan(so tha kinda means I still am and always will be;) ) the kind that had more than 200 action figures etc.(so I guess I was a spoiled bratt too:p )

But this has made such an big expression on me that I had a friggin’dream about it last night hahahahah…

question:The maps you have shown…I do not know which map is meant for what (other than the normal map) could you (or anybody else) tell me which map is what?


Edit: Or is it

Absolutely amazing! I hope you get offered to do some training videos for your work, I would love to see how you did it.

There you go! Congratz on Top Row! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great work man - very inspiring to see your approach on the hardsurface modeling!


man this should be in an upcoming batman movie …now this is the **** of batman …thumbs up

really terrific finish man!!, Congrats and good luck!

Dude, this is AWESOME WORK!!!

Great concept, great execution, great presentation.


Those gloves look like my Icon Motorcycle gloves. You could easily design for them or a company that makes body armor.


Awesome take on the Dark Knight! :):+1:
Flawless execution and great presence,very close to Chris Nolan’s!
Now we got a onceinalifetime toprow.
2 Batmans.
A sexy chick with roller skates.
A Doc Ock,a Gremlin and new Zb release in the middle.
I got the paper.:smiley:

well deserved top row :slight_smile:

even though i have had my share of batmen and hulks around here… hehe

one thing that bothers me in the design is those sharp looking points sticking out of the biceps part of the armor… that looks like it could hurt quite a bit when flexing the arm. (i have worn quite a few suits of platemail on various occasions and know that even less obvious edges can hurt when moving)

but apart from that a great futuristic version of batman and superb modelling.


great work ,love all
great inspiration

Alex Oliver