
Artists In Action - Kris Kosta

Thanks for the video Kris - it’s all good stuff.

Not meaning to steal any thunder, but just for completeness, Ken Brilliant put together a tutorial showing a similar technique here.
It’s amazing what is on these boards - we just need time to dig and read/watch.

Thank you so much to explain this technics.

Emmanuel (°_°)

Actual thread : http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=30063

Amazing technique, never thought of it, really nice :slight_smile:

So nice and so little that you gave to us, when do you release the dvd’s? :wink:


Just echoing what’s already been said: Thanks, Kris. This was incredibly helpful.

Very good video, and a good idea. Thanks for sharing, zbrush is really powerful :smiley:

Such a simple direct idea of applying textures!!! You’ve really changed my workflow! Thank you for taking the time to make this tutorial!:smiley: :smiley:

…when the mooth are deformed and over posed ! :sunglasses:

Do you not find you have non-connecting textures when finished with the underlying geometry, or do you then sclupt ‘again’ after applying your textures, i.e. in the example of the lips, the lips texture applied has a lot of surface detail on the image that isn’t reflected on the sculpted model, do you then sculpt that detail thereafter ?

Exactly, i couldn’t use better words, and that was bugging me a bit.

That’s totally up to the artist. If you want something more realistic, of course you have to do one or another. You can create your model with full details and tweak the texture to reflect the same details or you can apply the texture and tweak the model to reflect the details in the texture. This is texturing and modeling and things are not always automatic :wink: Simple like this.

Cya :+1:

Awesome video Kris, you saved one of my assignments I was working on, in fact I scraped two days of work in Body Paint and use your technique instead—it turned out much better! Thanks so much for taking your time to show us how you do things!

Kris, awesome tutorial. I’ve been desperately hunting around for high res pics so that I can try it out. I definitely need to buy a digital camera. Until I scrape the cash together for that is there any chance that you could post that little library of images you showed in the video? That would be awesome.

I recall ‘Skycastle’ posting something about this quite some time ago, if I recall it was in a thread where someone had recreated a cave troll.

Just want to say…

THNX MAN. This is such an awesome tip. Really thnx that you shared it with us !

u know man,ur are the craziest contemporary 3d artist iv ever seen,brilliant and creative all the time,thanx for sharing ur skills as usuall! iv learned alot from u!:smiley:
Ryan thank u too,was a nice tutorial with voiceover!

fuggin awesome tutes! Thanks for sharing.

As much as I enjoy this site I have a terrible time with a majority of the tutorials. Being deaf, watching and trying to pick up on what hes doing by watching his mouse is a little hard. Dose anyone know a site where people write out their tutorials for Zbrush? Doing a google search yields mostly this site and some rather lame ones. If you personaly know of a site, it would be greatly appreciated.

LOCRIANs - Thank you for bringing this up. Many people learn in many different ways. Some process audio best and some visuals. I have had this in my mind while putting together video’s but you are right. They do not provide enough in the way of textual explanation. I will explore what options we have for this. Feel free to contact me at ryan@pixologic.com if you have any ideas. :slight_smile:



Sorry for the intrusion in the conversation . But a good idea for people who have hearing problems is simply the subtitling of the videos …as Movie companies do in their DVD’s …wouldn’t be the simplest way to overcome this problem? :question: