
Artists In Action - Kris Kosta

I can´t download the videos any idea???


Thanks Frenchy!!!

I click on the picture part that says, “Download Movie I” and “Download Movie II” and nothing happens. :frowning:

The movie is no longer downloadable, or QuickTime. Simply click the link to go to the ZClassroom. There you’ll find thumbnails for all the movies that are available to view. Click the right arrow by the row of thumbnails. After the second click you’ll see the thumbnail for Kris’ movie.

Be sure to check out all the others while you’re there!

BRILLIANT tutorial, i loved it,
I can’t seem to get it to work though :frowning: i follow it step for step, but when i pickup from projection master again instead of dropping the texture onto the model where i painted, the whole model gets tiled with the texture!
is this normal, have i missed something obvious?

Any help with this would be fantastic.

Over-lapping UVs. Before you start texturing in ZB, select the AUV or GUV mapping option, then try again. You can test the current UVs by using the Check UV tool … it’ll colour all over-lapping UVs in red.

Thanks a million moochie, that was exactly the problem, now I can apply the method straight away!

REALLY great Tutorial! :+1:

It’s fun painting texture like these and the results looking really great.

But when I paint the last areas of my texture and picking up the model afterwards already painted parts of the texture get distorted by the outer rim of the last used texture plane. At certain parts (ears, nose) I find it always impossible to paint them, without ruining outer parts.

Is there some way to get around this?


The secret lies in the Alpha tool palette. There’s a tiny slider called RF, which stands for Radial Falloff. It’s set at 0 by default, and means the outer edges of your brush alpha are are sharp as the rest of it. Try experimenting with increasing the setting above 0 to give softer edges to your alpha.

With things like ears, you need to make sure your strokes don’t go over any edges, or you’ll get streaks on the sides when you pick up. The normal technique is to hide portions of the mesh you don’t want painted.

Does this technique still work? Just tried in ZB3 and although I was able to project a image plane onto my model, I wasnt able to move the mesh into place.

This technique has essentially been integrated with ZBrush 3.1, you no longer have to use Projection Master to do it. Just disable the UV’s on your mesh, hit colorize, pick a texture, and start dragging out the images on your mesh.

Thanks for the reply eldee.s.

I have tried messing around with this technique as well, but it doesnt seem to let you ‘spread/smear’ your texture out, only to place it in the general position.
Am I missing something?

Personally, I think that it’s easier to just work with ZAppLink now - You can store the skin textures as layers and just reapply all this stuff directly in Photoshop. Also, Liquify and Warp in Photoshop are good transformation tools and it’s easier to keep track of the image resolution if you’re in Photoshop, to avoid texture swimming.

If you’re smart, you create a seperate document containing all the layers that you’re painting, so that you’ve always got a ‘backup’.

Cheers Thomas,

This is pretty much how I did this job, Liquifying in Photoshop. Its a shame this seems to have gone from tho. It was great to be able to do entirely in ZB.
Maybe I’ll post something in the help forums.