
Action Hero at the Gnomon Gallery

Be gentle?? No way! You don’t need us to be gentle dude!

You just need to be careful of people like me who are bright green with envy!! :wink:

Your sketches look amazing! and your office looks almost as cramped as mine! LOL!

Honestly, keep up the great creations man!



Can someone post some images from the exhibitions…I’m dying on this side of the globe to see some :smiley:

hahahaha… was afraid to ask myself. heheh.
really looking forward to see some soon.


Haha - same here! i really wanna see the pics from the event!

Threetails - thanks for sharing the vid of ur work and workspace… hehe… kool to see the artist behind the work! :+1:

Hey Yong, I got a few pics that I will post tonight when I get home. Mantis Man turned out AWESOME!!! All the 3D prints were just perfect and the 2D prints on the wall were just as stunning. Big thanks to Paul, Alex and everyone involved in putting the event together. It was a great time.

Ya me too just hoping to see some pics , Gnomon_School tweeted that there will be a video of the show in Cgchannel , but dint see anything till now . waiting waiting …

just got home on sunday, but i will be putting some images up tommorow. thanks again to pixologic, Gnomon, and to all the artists i met, your great guys, and i hope we can get together again soon. it was a blast. stay in touch.

Hi there Cameron, Chris! It was a pleasure meeting you and the other guys! You all rule! I will post some pictures soon too!
And thanks to Pixologic team for this great oportunity to meet. The show was great!

Hello there… Just got a few pics from my friends who attended the show. Pics can be viewed at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=264654&id=734230720&l=ae534b9e2a

Also Bryzol and others :slight_smile: Would it be possible to send the original photos of you guys to my mail as well? (Yongkiatk@gmail.com) would love to keep them for my memory :smiley:

hey yong!

mantis looks amazing. (as do the rest of you guys work).

ps. wuhuu… i think i saw a blurred “arctic” in the background of one of the pics…


Arctic print looked realy nice! :+1:

Wow, guys. This looks absolutely badass. thanks very much for adding some images I was dying to see how they came out. The 3D prints left me speechless! :smiley:

Thanks again.

lol - stolked …right next to you …from what I can tell they look pretty sweet :smiley: - thx for the images Yong


cant really tell because its so dark but i figure they look great! pretty big also :smiley:

Wow… very cool! I really wished I could have been there - but thanks so much SolidSnake for sharing the pics!! I even caught a glimpse of Rampage in one of your photos! haha… :smiley:


Here are some photos of my print made by Offload Studios.
It is 10 inches high, They made realy great work with it. hope you guys like it?
Unfortunately photos made by me are just ugly, so I will rather wait for photos made by Pixologic team and others.





Scary-naughty ! hehe, great one :wink:

…i found a new fetish!

That looks great.

How did you get the constant “rough” or grain texture? Is it a result of the render?

Sweet man! :wink:

Gratz, turned out awesome. I cant wait to do a print one day.
