Hello everyone, this is BH3D coming to you another day, showing another
3D modeling/3D printing work!
Today, we are here to show you the 3D sculpting of an old man, who turned into a Zombie!
Zombie Oldman
We tried to show off some feral side of the old man, where he keeps his hair untrimmed, just like his beard!
3D Modeling Closeups
We tried to show off some feral side of the old man, where he keeps his hair untrimmed, just like his beard!
His teeth chipped, decayed, cracked. with a lot of wrinkles, skin tattered as such.
As the oldman
360 view of the model!
We did not create a 3D print of the model, but this model can still be 3D printed, and painted also!
For more info about us on 3D modeling and more 3D sculpting and figurines.
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