
Zenoth, the alien from Jupiter

Hello everyone!
I just finished my latest personal project, I know that almost everything has already been said about aliens, but I just wanted to share my personal view about them, or about one of them.
When we think about aliens we tend to ask ourselves “Are they good? Or evil?” but I just wanted to shift my view from this clichè, I imagined them as creatures, nor good or bad, just living beings. As a predator like a lion, it’s not bad because it kills other animals to eat, it’s just its DNA. This is the same for Zenoth, he comes to Earth to eliminate humans because they need our planet. Just for this reason. No chances to communicate with him, he just doesn’t care about us as we doesn’t care about ants. He’s not curious, he doesn’t feel anything, his mission is to eliminate us. And he’s not bad because he kills humans, and there’s no reason to eliminate us because of something wrong we did as human beings. We’re just in the wrong place :slight_smile:
Think about earth as an old garage that we need, we just clean it, clean out the spider webs, sweep away little animals and we have our cleaned garage. Do we feel bad about those little creatures? Are we evil?
You get the idea, now times for images!

Rendered in Max and Mental Ray, retopologized with Topogun. Textures done in Photoshop.

Hope you like!





1 Like

Awesome stuff as usual man! :smiley:

That looks excellent! I really like your creature designs.

wow! stunning work!

amazing stuff, did you do the orb in it’s hand in photoshop as well?

Really nice model and great design. 5 starts from me. Excellent stuff!

Great stuff! I really like your theory about their species.

very cool :+1: love the palette

yoooooooo dude! extremely well done my friend! I’m happy to see the final image and I dig it dude! congrats 5*

nice !

very good one !
original and very well done character !

Terrific design and sculpting skill!!

i love those details, great work

I love that idea of a ‘venecian’ mask as the face! Looks so cool… :+1:

really spectacular. love the render. and you can read all the forms so nicely. very cool.


beautiful work! I’m deeply impressed! The final rendering is just great…
best regards, Selwy

:+1: :+1: Wonderfull! Congrats!

The 4th image, the untextured, low-poly model - is that the original low-poly mesh you started sculpting on (built in Max if so?), or is that the lowest-level of sculpt detail from ZBrush?

Wow top row!!! :smiley:
Thanks everyone for your positive comments, I’m really happy both the sculpt and the design were appreciated, that’s very important for me because I put the same effort in the modeling stage as in the sketching/designing process.
@Edoardo: thanks mate, your suggestions helped me soo mush during this project!
@abhominal: thanks, I like your fleshy abstract sculptures! Keep going!
@Flack: yes, the orb were hand painted in photoshop with standard brushes and with some other great brushes found in Deviantart!
@Drummer: ahahah, thanks man! Looking forward for your next sculpt!
@ced66, selwy, Intervain: thank you all, your works are truly inspiring to me, I keep looking at them as a quality standard. Looking forward to see more from you!
And many thanks to everyone else I didn’t mention!

I’m trying to do a decent turntable for you guys, hope to post it soon!
Thanks again!
