
Zbrush version for iPadOS

Hi dear developers,

For two years now I have been trying somehow to use Zbrush on the go. I tested several solutions with different devices and working environments described below:
1 - MacOS + IpadPro (paired with Apple sidecar): almost perfect but requires 2 devices
2 - SurfacePro like device with both MPP and Active ES pens: good experience too but lack of precision with windows ink.
3 - Windows + IpadPro (with 3rd party software like EasyCanvas or Duet): too much latency compared to sidecar
4 - Windows + Wacom external tablet with a passiv pen: Classic combinaison, works well but Wacom’s devices are really outdated according to me (bad stylus ergonomie, heavy devices)

Among all these solutions the most convincing one was in my opinion MacOS + IpadPro, meaning IpadPro was finally the best convising device to sculpt on the go with Zbrush.
So here is the problem, Apple clearly refuses to deploy MacOS on Ipad and about Windows tablets they are just not performing enough fast (M1 chip beating them all) and not giving enough pen sensitivity for now.
That means there is currently a clear open market for a Zbrush version on IpadOS. And I’m sure many pros would like to buy it to nativly work with Zbrush on the Ipad.

So here is my question : To solve the portability issue of your software, have you planned to developp a Zbrush version for IpadOS in the future or is there a current project in progress that you could leak some information ?

I’ll be happy to read the community’s opinions on this matter.


I want know that too