After using Maya for nearly 10 years for archvis, environemnt, and level creation and like many people I always thought that Maya is quicker and easier to use than ZBrush for hard surface and box modeling until I started learning and using ZBrush following epic masters like Pavlovich and Drust.
Thought I share this new workflow of mine using ZBrush for Environment and props modeling (for game development).
In this case, the building prototype was Modeled, unwrapped, & textured entirely inZBrush before exporting directly to UE4 without the need for other modeling apps like Maya/Blender…etc
Obviously the prototype is quite Minecraftie-looking but the purpose of the video is the ideation/workflow not a high res or AAA asset…etc
P.S. The process took 10 minutes ONLY in ZBrush
Total polycount: 5139 (571 before applying Bevel)
Low poly Building prototype directly from ZBrush to Unreal Engine 4 (Timelapse)