
ZBrush 4R2 ZClassroom Movies. Updated to include 17 Movies.

i just tried the “clay polish” with 100 sharpen and when you go to polypaint the mesh it looks terriable

This site has tons of traffic so why not offload some of that onto Youtube…WAY too slow here on my connection

Hi, I made some test using dynamesh and Bpr renders, I used a lightcap made by me following the official doc, very fast ang good, in my opinion…


Filters are just amazing… I used a blue tint for AO and shadows, a fade effect linked to the depth and a dof.
I used Photoshop only on the fourth image.

really impressed with lightcap , starting to wonder why the old light system is still in Zbrush, can’t lightcap replace it completely + be more advanced?

Sometimes you just need a more physicalized light model. Unless I’m misunderstanding, lightcap is for the quick creation of matcap materials…it doesnt say, control the direction of the raytraced shadows.

Correct me if Im wrong.

[edit] I’m wrong. Now, that I can finally watch the movie (you tube option would be nice), I see that it looks like it does control the raytraced shadows, so I dunno.

[edit 2] A little birdie told me the old light system is in there for legacy support reasons.

[edit 3] Lightcap is awesome.

I think that old light system is still there to use it as shadow caster in a bpr render, and also to be used if you want to do a 2.5 classic illustration (bpr works only with an active tool)…
I miss some settings about the shadows on the ground, it’s always better to use a plane as subtool to simulate the floor also because some strange effect using some filters.

Very cool stuff!

It takes hours to load and view the videos - wouldn’t it be possibe to let them download to registered ZBrush users?
Those videos are most helpful to understand the new functions - but each revisit it takes hours for buffering that part of your interest…

let us download please :slight_smile:

They seem to be loading ok for me now , but i guess it depends on the time.

Go to Ant.Com and get their video downloader, its great and works on all formats that I have encountered (its a Firefox plugin).

Make the videos DOWNLOADABLE so we can view them offline at our leisure.
What gives with this self protection garbage.
Come on - get with the program people.


concerning LightCap:

using the background option with HDR(I) shots is just great, we’ve seen that.
You might find some suiting HDR’s browsing the www, and there always are things like
the Dosch-collection(s).

But, how about doing your own HDR’s - you could personalize your scenes even more?

The suiting software for doing so (one among a few) >>>>http://www.hdrlabs.com/picturenaut/index.html .

Well, in geneeral: I am no “fan boy” (back then you would have called it something like a “groupie” :slight_smile: ?), but one thing is for sure: with LightCap and the BPR rendering mode (and the rest of the features of ZBrush) you will forget about most any renderer soon enough. Doing stills, that is.

I really like the ZClassroom videos in general. It’s pretty much condensed fundamental knowledge on how to use the new functions.

I would be cool if there were a few more in-depth videos on how to use the new functions to their full extend, though.
Also the music on some of the vids is really too loud compared to the voice over. :confused:

No matter what … the new ZBrush realease is super-awesome! I love this release so much I can’t really describe it. :slight_smile:

I sorry to moan but the backing music in the MATCAPS MATERIALS video is too loud and distracting. Eric (who is a fantastic tutor BTW, as is Paul) has a very natural calm voice, that is sometimes drowned out by the music.

Sorry it’s my only real complaint.

Thanks for all your hard work though! :+1:

Sorry, as a hearing impaired person, I seem to agree on the music backing… find this with block buster movies to… other than that… these tuts are priceless… just seemed to dry up…

Keep 'em coming…

This is really good ! Will buy me a license !

Awesome another one.

Don’t forget to do a noise maker one :slight_smile:

Thanks the Merge Similar video is brilliant, short sweet and to the point… and yes the sound is better… love to see more of these short videos…

Thanks a Mil…

IMO Dynamesh is the best invention in this release. Changed my workflow, no need to plan. I made several sketches with dynamesh, and really lovely. The only issue I get is the loss of details when I remesh the dynamesh. I have to adjust the density, but it’s a quite OK trade off.

I will admit, I love everything, currently working with Dynamesh, so much to take in and trying to steel some time, but I am figuring it all out. Amazing though, can’t wait to post the results of my trails with ZR4.
Thank you again Pixologic. Zbrush is one of the best things that has every happened to me, and I have had quite of few good things.