
*** ZBrush 3.5 for Windows RELEASED

I run all naked yaaaaaa :smiley:
thank you very very much Pixologic

Just have to wait for the mail from Cleverbridgeā€¦
Canā€™t wait !

Wuhuuuu!! THX PIXO

.ma export rocks !
Gradient Polypainting !
Ambient occlusion !
So many cool new features we didnā€™t know and heard about !
I will spend night on it !

Ah ! Cā€™est toi que jā€™ai vu !? :lol:


HD geo to displacementā€¦

AWESOME! Iā€™m stokedā€¦

Yesssā€¦At lastā€¦:Dā€¦thks !

where I can Download the trial version

plz help

Thats a good question.

I assume theyā€™ll be issuing new serial #'s for it, otherwise I too dont understand the logic behind it.

Wicked! Thank you Pixologic! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

probably issuing e-mails in batches to control server traffic

Thank You Pixologic Team!

Ah crap Iā€™m on a mac! That old feeling again :wink: But we have had some of these useful new features for a while now.

Thanks Pixologic! Looking forward to the mac release date :smiley:

Hope you Windows guys have yours installed and running for the weekend :+1:

Yes! new toys.

congratulations pixologic guys and to ofer!!!

iā€™m proud of you guys!!!

see you around.


AWESOME!!! this is well worth the wait as we all knew it would be :smiley: look forward to the download email :smiley:

And I was doing so wellā€¦ Waiting calmly and patiently for the posting of the release. Then it came this morning and BAM! My calm patience evaporated and was replaced by the patience of an 8 year old. I donā€™t know how productive Iā€™ll be these next few days. :lol:

Thanks for the hard work and long hours guys!
Iā€™ll be looking forward to trying it out when we get our email here!

Itā€™s Christmas in September!

Thanks to all at Pixologic, you are the BEST.

So how does the GoZ work to Modo and Cinema 4D? This is my most crucial feature. I understand the implementation wont be final, but does anyone here have time to give it a shot?