
ZBrush 2025 Update


ZBrush has received an update for both desktop and iPad. The ZBrush version number for desktop will be ZBrush 2025.1.0 and the iPad update will be ZBrush 2025.2.0.

With these two releases we are also excited to announce Pro Projects. These are exciting collaborations with prominent artists within their particular fields and give ZBrush users an opportunity to see how professional artists complete their work. Pro Prjects include the actual assets from the artists for you to dive into and discover how did the artist make that piece. This first one is featuring Patrick4D.

Learn more about Pro Projects.

With these updates, we also continue to expand the ability for ZBrush to link with more of the Maxon family of products, including being able to send models from Cinema4D to ZBrush iPad or ZBrush for iPad to Cinema4D. We have also continued integration of Redshift within ZBrush and updated GoZ to support the 2025 versions of both Maya and 3ds Max.

ZBrush iPad 2025.2.2:

  • (UPDATE) Gizmo on refresh rate is faster
  • (UPDATE) Texture option for OBJ now exports a texture
  • (UPDATE) Licensing improvements
  • (FIXED) Surface Noise: selected Subtool did not frame correctly
  • (FIXED) Human ZSphere assets now open correctly

ZBrush Desktop 2025.1.3:

  • (FIXED) FBX plug-in is now back in the Zplugin palette

ZBrush iPad 2025.2.1:

  • (FIXED)missing material in some GoZ exports to Cinema4D
  • (FIXED)Second time clicking on “Save Next” crash is fixed
  • (FIXED)missing cone icon in the Gizmo3D menu

ZBrush Desktop 2025.1.2:

  • (FIXED) Crash when customizing UI and dragging and dropping buttons in the UI
  • (FIXED) Crash with Redshift rendering an AOV pass when beauty pass was not selected
  • (FIXED) Crash when exporting to FBX from the tools UI
  • (FIXED) HDRI being ignored in when background is turned off
  • (UPDATE) Keyshot API updated to work with Keyshot Studio
  • (UPDATE) Changed the default stroke state of the chisel brush

ZBrush iPad 2025.2.1:

  • (FIXED)missing material in some GoZ exports to Cinema4D
  • (FIXED)Second time clicking on “Save Next” crash is fixed
  • (FIXED)missing cone icon in the Gizmo3D menu

ZBrush Desktop 2025.1.1:

  • (FIXED) a crash when BPR button is pressed during material update

ZBrush iPad - 2025.2.0

  • (NEW) GoZ support for Cinema4D (Must also have the current Cinema4D update)
  • (NEW) Introducing Pro Projects and new IMM Winter Cookies brush for your festive sculpting.
  • (UPDATE) ZSpheres templates now include Female, Male, and Hand mannequins.
  • (UPDATE) Apple Pencil models that support double tap or squeeze will now support the Quick Menu.

ZBrush Desktop - 2025.1.0

  • (NEW) Quick Polygroup Brush for easy polygroup creation
  • (NEW) Anchor Brush Bend Mode for more natural bending of geometry
  • (NEW) Redshift AOV passes support
  • (NEW) Intel OIDN Denoiser integration
  • (NEW) Introducing Pro Projects and new IMM Winter Cookies brush for your festive sculpting
  • (UPDATE)Much faster interaction (e.g. lights, HDR, materials real-time updates in the viewport)
  • (UPDATE) GoZ updated to support Maya 2025 and 3D Studio Max 2025
  • (UPDATE) ZArrays are available in Lightbox again
  • (FIX) Chisel Brush now defaults to freehand stroke

We look forward to see what you create next.

Happy ZBrushing.


Hello, is it planned to add hotkey settings for zbrush on iPad? After the last interface update, it became more convenient to work with custom palettes. It seems to me that a logical step would be to add hotkey settings for the keyboard. Standard hotkeys work well, but they are not enough. This setting would make working on iPad much more comfortable because many people use iPads with keyboards.

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Yes, we plan do to that but there are scenarios we also need to test because not all features are on the iPad. We also need to setup the workflow on iPad to create custom hotkeys. This will also need some testing before we can release to the public.



I just upgraded from zbrush 2023, and now I don’t have the AO plugin. Is this a known bug?

@Ray_Ataei Are you on Windows or Mac? You updated to ZBrush 2025.1.3?

Sorry my bad, I moved my 2023 plugins manually to 2025. Had some plugins that I needed so I copied the entire folder, that was the main reason for AO not showing up.

@Ray_Ataei aww ok, I wouldn’t recommend doing that in the future because sometimes we need to update a plug-in to support something new or solve an issue. If you just replace the ones that are shipped with the most recent version, you of course would be overwriting any changes in our plug-ins we may have done.