
Yellow Blaze

Hi ZbrushCentral!
First post here! Happy to join this community.
This project was stuck for months but it´s finally done. I started this project in a workshop of Julen Urrutia. I would like to thank this incredible artist for the tips in the begginng of the modelling of the face. He is amazing!
Also i would like to thank Art of Maki, for this incredible concept, wich i´ve based this project, he is such an incredible artist. It won´t be the last project from him that i do, thats for sure.

It has been hella fun.

Hope you are fine and hope you like it! :slight_smile:



dual welding MP5s! :slight_smile:
those things are tricky to reload by one hand, she must be a master at it.

great sculpt! nicely lit, awesome details!

hahaha really hard to reload!
Thank you so much for your comment! :slight_smile:

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What a great piece @Wakka :boom: :clap: :ok_hand: The pose, skin shader, the stylized genre mixed with realistic details, her make-up, her commanding look…VERY good!!! Thank you for sharing, always a pleasure seeing your art.

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Wow, thank you so much for your comment! :slight_smile:

Amazing work!

Thank you so much ! :slight_smile:

Welcome to the ZBrushCentral Community!

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Wow!!! Beautiful :fire: :fire: :fire:

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It is such a pleasure to be on board! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much Alejandro! :slight_smile:

I love this so much!

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Amazing work!

Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

wow. just incredible

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Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Outstanding piece of Artwork! My goal is to improve using zbrush and this character is very inspiring and Im looking forward to see what I can accomplish with this program!! Keep up the good work!

Welcome to the community. Looking forward to see more from you.