
Witcher 2 Assasins of Kings models

Stunningly beautiful work! I’ve been searching the interwebs for Witcher character art since day one! you and your team are my biggest inspiration! :smiley:
The Saskia Hi-res face seems somehow different than the in game model. like she has fuller lips and a broader nose? did her face get changed right at the last minute or is that just something that occurred from the transition from high to low res mesh?

Once again incredible creations thank you for sharing, Looking forward to W3 and all the new amazing things to see! :smiley:


Thank you all for the kind words!
@The_Dag_Node elbow and knee armor are separated models skinned to special bones
@SammeshSamurai if I remember Saskia’s head was adjusted later on lowpoly model

Awesome work, like it :+1:

Awesome works for an awesome game! Any chance of you doing a write up of your rendering workflow?

Fajne modele ;]
Ciekawe kiedy cos z trojki pokazeta ;D

Great Sculpts and nice game…

Great Game ! Great Sculptures ! They are inspired me alot !!

Lovely stuff. The Witcher 2 has some of the best faces and costumes in any game. You put even Skyrim to shame in these areas, and I don’t say this lightly. :slight_smile:

In love with both the game and the art. Great job everyone.

Mam pytanie, jak wyglada sprawa z detalem, bo z tego co widze to na modelu hipolly nie ma faktury tkanin, czesci ornamentów rys. Czy to z diffuza wypalacie na normalke i laczycie z normalka z hipolly czy jakoe inaczej? I dlaczego nie robicie odrazu na hipolly detalu?

Thanks a lot for all of your kind words! I am really happy you like the game and the characters.

Muddpitt: could you specify the question? For most of the images I did rendering with 3ds max mental ray and It’s really simple setup with two lights. Same thing with shaders, basic metal and cloth with rim light.

As for Triss Playboy renders it’s skin metal ray shader with a lot of tweaking.

SammehSAMURAI: We did some small tweaks with lowpoly ,but her face sculpt should be the same. I remember we had few iterations of her face texture and that meabe the case of her looking slightly different.

JoseConseco askign if we did details (like fabric or metal scratches) on hi-poly models or did we baked them form textures?. The answer is, we didn’t sculpt them, and there are several reasons for that. The first thing to remember is that we started working on The Witcher2 really long time ago I believe it was 2008 back than so this amount of details was really problematic. And, we also knew what we need a lot of freedom in terms of improving and changing our pipeline if we needed that. So we decided to keep our models clean and easy to modify in the future.
We did baked most of the details from textures just becaus you can keep it as separate layer in photoshop, and turning it of is simple as opening your psd file.

Don’t get me wrong that was back than, now Zbrush gives so us so much more control over what we would like to do and how we can do it. And, just because of that working on The Witcher3 is so much more exiting!

I love it all! Thanks for sharing these. Really great work.

Awesome job,one of my Favorite games :slight_smile:

Good work, but i was wondering, what is this crossover with Playboy and the witcher ? am i missing something ?


They are just trying to attract a wider clientel in any ways possible, this way by posting in Playboy. Wonder if it worked :roll_eyes:

EDIT: On second thought, it seems to be the right clientel judging from the content on youtube. full nudity and sex scenes etc…

Freewaldo: we had a pleasure to collaborate with Polish Playboy magazine to create Triss Merigold photo session with 3D renders. For us it was really great, challenging experience, after all those monsters and dark characters it was really nice to creating something unique and beautiful.

The_Dag_Node: please remember that The Witcher2, is dark fantasy RPG for mature audience with hard moral choices and different shades of gray as well as human sexuality. It is just prat of the world we would like to invite the Player.

Overall I really hope you like them!

And that is exactly what I love so much about The Witcher.
It’s made for adults, not for 12 year old boys like 99% of all other games.

And by “for adults” I’m not really talking about the nudity or the violence. But more about the difficult choices, the complex characters, not just black or white, no person is just “good” or “evil”.
Can’t wait for part 3 :slight_smile:

superb characters

Great body of work. Thanks for sharing.