
Winter Owls

ZBrush / Sculptris Pro and Keyshot,
Polypaint using textural alphas.

Best wishes,


Nice one! - has a Remedios Varo feelling.

Always enjoy your color palette and subjects :blush: well done Boozy :clap:

man thats the work ! it gaves mixture of feelings
congrats dear marc

Very cool @boozy_floozie


Thank you Magbhitu , I think it might be the mystical medieval heretic in me.
Jaime, beloved guardian and steward of all things Pixologic - thank you most kindly.
Vahid - thank you for your support and positivity.
Gary - thank you, much appreciated.

My top row parade starts the moment I’ve finished this cup of tea and I can’t find my epaulettes. I’ll have to improvise.

Thank you all. :grinning:

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So great!! cheers Boozy!

You seem to consistently post some of the most interesting work.! Yes, I second the idea it has a Remedios Varo feel to it. I can’t imagine you do not know her work, but for others reading this reply, it will be well worth your time to look her up.

Thank you Mickael and thank you sclptrjoel.
I am familiar with Remedios Varo’s work as an adult but it is medieval art that I absorbed as a child and I guess that is the same spirit found in Varo’s work with regard the representation of the non material.

With regard ZBrush I always take a long break in the summer so I come back excited and unlearned.
Contrary to most popular advice I feel that unlearning is as important as learning - emphasise on improvement is always placed on filling but I think emptying or Kenosis is where something occurs beyond the self. If I thought I was responsible for any these pictures I’d quit :smile:

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This picture haunts me. I love how it inspires such a feeling of Mystery; there’s something in the movement, too, I just find so pleasing to the eye.

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Awesome Boozy. Glad to see things are still weird.

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